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Tag Archives: Ennis Municipal District

Light needs to be shed on “dangerous” road in Ennis

A “DANGEROUS” stretch of road in Ennis needs to be lit up with more and more walkers using the route, a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District has been told. Councillor Mark Nestor proposed at the meeting that the local authority request Clare County Council “explore the possibility of installing public lighting on the Golf Links road”. The councillor said that he has received numerous complaints about the lack of lighting from members of the public saying it is a popular location for walkers. “They told me this is a very dangerous stretch of road in the darkness. We are all very much aware that we are limited to our 5km due to Covid-19 restrictions and this is a very popular loop,” he said. Eamon O’Dea, Senior Engineer, responded, “The Ennis Municipal District recommended planning conditions on developments at Ballymacaulla, Beechpark for a special contribution to cover the cost of the provision of public lighting on Circular Road from Golf …

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Older residents in parts of Ennis “feeling very isolated”

OLDER residents of Ennis are “feeling very isolated” because of the condition of footpaths during cold spells, a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District has heard. The growing numbers of people enjoying the outdoors during the latest lock-down has prompted calls on the local authority to ensure footpaths are safe and salted during cold spells. Councillor Ann Norton raised the issue at a recent meeting of the local authority where she pointed out that there are now many people out walking as Covid restrictions are preventing people from going outside of 5km. “I’m asking the Ennis Municipal District to make sure that footpaths are safe and maintained and with cold icy weather that footpaths are salted where possible to prevent accidents.” Eamon O’Dea, senior engineer, responded, “As cold spells in Ireland are normally of short duration it is difficult to structure a maintenance schedule for footpath salting or gritting. Where cold weather conditions prevail the key access point within the …

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Roads resurfacing would “make a big difference” to Hermitage residents

RESIDENTS of one of the oldest estates of Ennis have voiced concern about the state of the road surface with calls being made on the local authority for improvement works to be made. At a recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District Councillor Mark Nestor highlighted the need for the Hermitage area to be included in the 2021 roadworks programme. He urged that a particular focus be paid to the carpark near Honan’s Terrace which is “in quite a bad state” with residents “worried the road surface is uneven”. Backing the call, Councillor Mary Howard said roads in the area have “not been touched in years”. She pointed out that the roads are made of concrete and are “long overdue” an inspection. “There are a lot of older residents living there and resurfacing would make a big difference to their lives.” Councillor Pat Daly said Hermitage is “one of the oldest estates in town, there are good, honest people living …

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Clareabbey roundabout ‘dividing two communities’ says Mayor of Ennis

THE Mayor of Ennis has likened the development of the Clareabbey Roundabout to “putting a knife through a pound of butter” resulting in “dividing the two communities of Clarecastle and Ennis”. Councillor Paul Murphy has been a long-time campaigner for improved safety at the roundabout for pedestrians and cyclists. At the monthly meeting of the Ennis Municipal District he sought an update on the progress of three draft proposals submitted to Transport Infrastructure Ireland, as well as on a proposed sustainable biodiversity project. John Gannon, senior executive engineer, responded, “The Road Design Office has received approval in principle from the TII for the preferred design option submitted. The next steps required by the TII are to carry out baseline traffic speed and traffic volume counts including pedestrian and bicycle counts, to carry out a safety audit of the preferred design and to update the feasibility report with cost projections for the various design options submitted. In advance of any statutory …

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City status would boost Ennis’ economy say local councillors

ENNIS could become Ireland’s newest city. Moves are being pushed by members of the Ennis Municipal District to have city status designated on the county capital, with hopes that this will lead to an economic boost with increased tourism and jobs growth. Spearheading the idea is Councillor Pat Daly who at this week’s meeting of the local authority outlined that Ennis is well placed to be named as a city. Making the case he stressed the many advantages Ennis has over other localities, while criticising the IDA for “ignoring” the town. “Over the years we have seen how Ennis has grown from a small town to a very large town, it’s now one of the highest populated towns in this country,” he said. He praised the town’s educational facilities, tourism offerings and sporting amenities. The town is “ideally located” with a quality of shops, hotels, restaurants and bars that “would match any city in Ireland”. The councillor outlined the town’s …

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Volunteers and council staff praised as Ennis cleans up in IBAL ranking

ENNIS’ success in this year’s Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) survey, which saw the county capital take third place nationwide, has been attributed to the hard work and dedication of volunteers as well as council staff. Mayor of Ennis, Councillor Paul Murphy, in acknowledging the results of the IBAL survey, said, “I am delighted to see Ennis once again achieve best in class for litter cleanliness, particularly given the increase in the numbers enjoying recreational activities outdoors. This success can be attributed to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers in community groups, especially Ennis Tidy Towns, as well as Council staff.” Cllr Murphy acknowledged and supported the positive comments regarding the presentation of the sites inspected. Carmel Kirby, Director of Services, Physical Development Directorate, Clare County Council, said, “Maintaining the highest level in the IBAL nationwide litter survey is not an easy feat to accomplish, and huge credit goes to all who contribute to maintaining the town’s cleanliness. …

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“Near miss” accidents spark calls for a slow down of motorists in Doora

“NEAR miss’” accidents on a local road on the outskirts of Ennis have sparked calls for measures to be taken to slow down motorists. The L8172 road in Doora is regularly used as a shortcut between the Quin Road and the Tulla Road a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District has been told. Councillor Clare Colleran Molloy urged, “Further to report of near-miss incidents on the L8172 road in Doora and its use as a shortcut between the Quin road and the Tulla road, that efforts be undertaken to slow down the traffic that is using this narrow and windy road.” The motion was seconded by Councillor Pat Daly who said it was a “very, very busy road”. Eamon O’Dea, senior engineer, replied, “The Ennis Municipal District Office has inspected the road and is consulting with the Road Design Section and other Municipal Districts to confirm the appropriate provision of warning signs at the entry points from the Knockanean and …

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Cars parked on footpaths at popular beauty spot restricting access

THE growing popularity of Ballybeg Woods during Covid-19 restrictions has seen motorists park on footpaths, blocking access to those using wheelchairs or pushing buggies, a meeting of the local authority has heard. Mayor of Ennis Councillor Paul Murphy urged the council to install signage at the natural amenity and carry out other improvements in a bid to tackle the problem. Speaking at a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District, Councillor Murphy stated that during Covid-19 times the general public are maximising all of our public spaces and amenities. The councillor requested that creeping ivy and overgrowth in the public car park be tidied up in the short term “in order to maximise the space available for parking”. In addition to this he said that advisory signage should be installed at the Ballybeg Road entrance, requesting patrons to use the carpark to alleviate the problem of cars being parked on footpaths in this area. Repair of damage to a picnic bench …

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