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Contact Us

Postal Address:

Barrack Street, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland.

Tel +353 65 682 8105
Fax +353 65 682 0374.

Managing Director

John Galvin, jgalvin @clarechampion.ie

Accounts Department

Accounts Manager: Liam Duggan, lduggan @clarechampion.ie
Accounts Representative: Shelly Galvin, sgalvin @clarechampion.ie
Accounts Representative: Yvonne Harrison, yharrison @clarechampion.ie

Advertising Department

Advertising Manager: Leo O’Connor, sales@clarechampion.ie
Advertising Sales: Alan Harvey, aharvey @clarechampion.ie

Advertising Sales: Shelly Galvin, sgalvin @clarechampion.ie

Advertising Sales: Elaine Considine, econsidine @clarechampion.ie



Editor: Colin McGann, editor@clarechampion.ie


Clare Champion Newsroom head and shoulder pictures  

South East Clare: Dan Danaher, ddanaher @clarechampion.ie

Clare Champion Newsroom staff file pictures  

Ennis: Jessica Quinn jquinn @clarechampion.ie


East Clare: Sharon Dolan d’Arcy, sdolandarcy@clarechampion.ie

Clare Champion Newsroom staff file pictures  

Shannon: Owen Ryan, oryan @clarechampion.ie


John Kelly  

John Kelly, jkelly @clarechampion.ieHobbs             sssssssssssss, ssssss sssssssss

Letters to the Editor:Please note that if you are sending a letter to the editor for publication we also require your mailing address and a telephone number for verification.


Where we are:

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GPS Coordinates: N52º50.522 W 8º59.064

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