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Tag Archives: CSO

CSO offers fascinating insight to house buyers in Clare

SOME 40% of houses sold in County Clare in 2019 went to single purchasers, rather than joint purchasers, according to research published this week by the Central Statistics Office. The median price paid for a property in the Kilrush electoral area was €138,800, in the Killaloe area it was €175,000, in the Ennistymon area it was €180,000.  The highest prices were in the most urban parts of the county, with a median of €188,000 in the Shannon electoral area and €193,000 in the Ennis area. In the Ennistymon and Kilrush areas the median age of purchasers was 48 and 45 respectively. It was below 40 in the other three areas, at 39 in Killaloe and 38 in both the Shannon and Ennis electoral areas. For sole purchasers in the Ennistymon area the median income was €31,600, while in the Killaloe area it was €41,900. The equivalent figures for the Shannon, Ennis and Kilrush areas were €39,200, €36,600 and €30,900 respectively. …

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Initial results of Census 2022 reveal changes in Clare

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has released the preliminary results from Census 2022, documenting a number of key changes in county Clare. In Clare the preliminary figures show that the population on April 3 was recorded at 127,419, an increase of 8,602 (+7.2%) since 2016. The population increase in Clare is largely in line with the national trend which showed a 7.6% increase in population from 4,761,865 to 5,123,536. The population in Clare included 64,733 females and 62,686 males. This was made up of a natural increase (ie births minus deaths) of 3,122 and an estimated net inward migration (ie population change minus natural increase) of 5,480. The total housing stock in Clare in April 2022 was 58,148, which represented an increase of 2,369 (4.2%) since 2016. The increase in housing stock in Clare is below the national average of 6%, which will not come as a surprise to those seeking to access a home. The increase in housing stock …

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Get a job that really counts – as a census enumerator

CENSUS 2022 will add figure work for more than 130 people in County Clare among its number gathering. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) needs to hire 137 census enumerators to deliver and collect census forms to and from every home in Clare next year. Census 2022 will take place on Sunday, April 3, next year. The results from the census are vital to planning the future of public services in Clare and nationwide. To deliver a successful census the team of 137 enumerators will be required to deliver and collect census forms to approximately 43,000 households across the county. Enumerators can earn up to €3,200 for working 10 weeks part-time, between February 28 and May 6, 2022. An online application process opens on November 25 at www.census.ie. Speaking about the role of a census enumerator, Eileen Murphy, head of census administration said, “A census enumerator is a job that really counts. Those who undertake this rewarding position will be providing …

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Clare men clock up more penalty points than women

OVER 5,000 penalty point notices were issued to Clare drivers last year, with close to two-thirds of those being incurred by male drivers. The figures, released this week by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), show that the vast majority of points notices issued to Clare motorists in 2019 – 71% – were for speeding. The second most common offence incurring points, at 14%, was driving while holding a mobile phone. In relation to both of these motoring offences, men incurred a higher percentage of the points. A total of 3,620 points notices were issued last year in Clare for speeding. 60% of those were incurred by men and 40% by women. The data, which is outlined in the CSO’s latest Transport Omnibus, show that 4,838 Clare drivers got penalty points last year. The vast majority of those motorists, at 84%, clocked up three points. However, there were four drivers who incurred a total of 12 points over the course of …

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Shannon caught in a tailspin

SHANNON Airport is set to record a decrease in its number of passengers this year, unless there is a late improvement. Figures for the first three-quarters of 2017 show the number of passengers was 5.2% less than for the first three-quarters of 2016. It is a disappointing state of affairs, almost five years after its separation from the Dublin Airport Authority. According to the CSO statistics, 1,257,996 passengers were handled by Shannon in the first nine months of the year. This was almost 70,000 below the figure of 1,327,313 for the same period of 2016. It was also lower than the 1,297,080 that travelled through the airport in the first nine months of 2015. When Shannon was separated from Dublin, its business plan was to have 2.3 million passengers per annum in 2017, a figure the airport is very far away from achieving. The decline in passenger numbers at Shannon is in marked contrast to the other airports for which …

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Decrease in July retail figures

Retail Ireland, the Ibec group that represents the sector, has warned that the retail sales figures for July, released by the CSO today (Monday) act as a timely reminder not to take continued growth in the sector for granted. Core retail sales in July decreased by 0.6% when compared with June, indicating a mid-summer dip in performance. However, the group said that broader retail trends remain positive, with sales increasing by 3.5% in the year to date. Retail Ireland director Thomas Burke stated, “Despite a return to growth in retail sales values, core retail sales, excluding motor trades and bar sales, remain volatile. While there may be a perception that all is well again in the retail sector, much of the current growth is being driven by deep discounting in shops and ongoing sales activity. Such prolonged discounting, while necessary in the current uncertain consumer market, is undoubtedly draining profits for retailers. “This environment makes it difficult for retailers to …

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Urgent need to increase housing supply

Property Industry Ireland (PII), the Ibec group for businesses working in the property sector, has said the house price statistics released today (Tuesday) by the CSO show the need to urgently increase the supply of housing. PII director, Dr David Duffy stated, “The lack of housing supply has been highlighted for a number of years. While there is some debate about which measure of housing supply to use, the supply of new homes coming onto the market remains well below the estimated annual average demand of 25,000 to 30,000 units, and this does not include any pent-up demand. “Policy makers and industry must continue to work together to identify how the supply of new homes can be increased across all regions of the country.”

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Dáil Committee to discuss Census

The Joint Committee on Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government will meet on Wednesday to discuss the Census 2016 results. The primary focus of the meeting is to examine the trends and developments in housing across Ireland and identify how this may impact upon existing housing policy. Officials from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) will address the Committee. The latest census figures are of significant importance to the Committee. The Housing in Ireland report is the first of eleven thematic reports from Census 2016 and will form the focus of the meeting, The report provides data and analysis on the housing landscape in Ireland over the last five years from April 2011 to April 2016. The census found that there are almost 260,000 vacant homes in the State and Committee members will be keen to discuss this breakdown.

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