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Councillor PJ Kelly

Rural Clare ‘has fight on its hands’ with planning regulator

A DIRECTION from the Office of the Planning Regulator requesting Clare County Council to dezone huge tracts of land for development in the Draft...

Claims against Clare County Council double from 2020 to 2021

THE COST of public liability claims against Clare County Council more than doubled last year, according to figures released to a West Clare member....

Clare ‘In-fill’ sites motion generates Council controversy

RURAL development is being seriously stifled by restrictions on ‘in-fill’ sites, a West Clare councillor has said.  At this week's local authority meeting, Councillor PJ...

Clare councillors to ‘clear the air’ with planning regulator

THE REGULATOR of planning, Niall Cussen, is to address councillors, amid ongoing concerns over the impact of regional and national strategies on rural Clare....

Council waits on landowners before progressing coastal works

COASTAL protection works in Quilty will progress when signed agreement from the parties is returned to Clare County Council, local councillors have been told.  The...

Give €30k to people building own house, says councillor

A CLARE county councillor has called on the government to give a grant of €30,000 to people building their own houses, writes Owen Ryan. THIS...

Population plan the ‘end of rural Clare’

Councillors want legal advice on means to challenge NDP projections online pharmacy furosemide no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy zestril no prescription with best...

‘Old Bog Road’ not a hit with Clare Council, complains Kelly

FUNDING concerns have prompted a West Clare councillor to remark that “’The Old Bog Road is not in the Top 20’ when it comes...
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