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Clare planning

Clare County Council accused of setting precedent for illegal siting of mobile homes

CLARE County Council doesn’t intend to pursue an enforcement notice issued about the alleged unauthorised development of a mobile home near Tuamgraney following legal...

Woman, 66, vows to fight enforcement notice on her mobile home

An EAST Clare woman, who is living in deplorable living conditions without any central heating, electricity or running water in her mobile home, has...

Council rejects call for probe into ‘unauthorised development’

CLARE County Council has been accused in engaging in an unauthorised development in one of its social housing schemes over the alleged failure to...

Permission denied for Clare business training complex

AN application to build a business training complex in rural north Clare has been refused planning permission, writes Owen Ryan. buy https://health-intelligence.com/wp-content/uploads/job-manager-uploads/company_logo/2017/zestril.html online...

Christian community’s Clare housing plan hits a hitch

A BID to create housing for older members of a religious community in Tuamgraney has hit a hitch, with planners seeking further details on...

Concern over plans for east Clare holiday development

CLARE County Council has expressed concerns about the visual impact of a proposed holiday development near Ogonnelloe on a strategic regional road, writes ...
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