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HomeTagsCatalytic converter

catalytic converter

Increase in catalytic converter theft sparks warning

A RECENT upsurge in the theft of catalytic converters has led gardaí in Clare to warn vehicle owners to be on the alert. At the...

Targeting of catalytic converters by thieves continues across Clare

CATALYTIC converters continue to be a target for thieves in the county with a number of thefts reported to gardaí throughout Clare. “Unfortunately again...

Spate of catalytic converter thefts continues across the county

GARDAÍ in Clare have re-emphasised advice to motorists to protect their catalytic converters following yet another spate of thefts of the equipment in various...

Gardaí warning following spate of catalytic converter thefts in Clare

IT can take as little as three minutes for thieves to steal a catalytic converter gardaí in Clare have warned. Gardaí are urging motorists...
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