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Tag Archives: Burren Annual Exhibition

A new multinational interpretation of Mullach Mòr

Scottish artist, Keith McIntyre, will take centre stage at this year’s Burren Annual Exhibition which takes place at the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan later this month. Mr McIntyre’s work involves exploring coastal geological phenomena through mural scale drawing, print, performance and film. The title of this year’s exhibition is ‘Mullach Mòr: elephant rocks, drinking dragons and other geo phenomena. Mullach Mòr translated from Irish Gaelic means the big rock. However, in Scots Gaelic, a similar word Moladh translates as ‘in praise of’ and prefixes the place or person to be eulogised in a poem or song. While in Manx Gaelic the word is Mollyee. In his first solo exhibition in Ireland, McIntyre will continue his interest in geology that has developed a significant cultural presence in the landscape through a collective community imagining. Work presented will include the Elephant Rocks from Northumbria, the Vestmannaevjar Islands in Iceland and the Drinking Dragon from the Isle of Man. Keith McIntyre …

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