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Unco-operative landowners “jeapordising” Ballybeg improvements

A lack of co-operation from landowners is “jeapordising” a scheme aimed at improving the Ballybeg area, a meeting of Ennis councillors has been told....

Footpath works near popular Clare amenity set for later this year

WORK is set to begin on completing an unfinished footpath near the old quarry at Ballybeg later this year, the local authority have confirmed....

Council invites ideas for exciting transformation of Clare amenity

A VISION for the transformation of a 50 acre site on the shore of Ballybeg Lough into a community and tourism space, which could...

Ballybeg bat survey needed before lighting installed

PLANNED public lighting at Ballybeg cannot be installed until after a bat survey is completed due to the presence of the rare creatures at...

Action urged over vehicles ‘absolutely flying’ on Ennis road

TRAFFIC counts are to be carried out on the Ballybeg Road and details forwarded to the gardaí, the local authority have confirmed, amidst concerns...

Speed surveys to be carried out on Ballybeg Road in Ennis

STATE-of-the-art signs aimed at reducing speed on the roads can lose their effectiveness if they are used too much, the council’s executive engineer with...

Cars parked on footpaths at popular beauty spot restricting access

THE growing popularity of Ballybeg Woods during Covid-19 restrictions has seen motorists park on footpaths, blocking access to those using wheelchairs or pushing buggies,...

Killian in tune for debut rap song

Killian Hogan has two major ambitions in life: to be a professional rap artist and a marine biologist. These two goals are remarkable considering...
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