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Tag Archives: An Bord Pleanála

Lobbyist – ‘LNG plant will be worse than coal burning’

THE impact on the environment of importing fracked gas into the Shannon Estuary will be worse over a 20-year period than importing coal to generate electricity in Moneypoint, a local environmentalist has claimed. Shannon LNG has outlined its plans to seeking planning permission from An Bord Pleanála to build a €650 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal between Ballylongford and Tarbert in North Kerry. An LNG terminal is a facility for regasifying liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipped in by an LNG tanker from production zones. Johnny McElligott, Tarbert of Safety Before LNG, has been opposing the proposed gas terminal for years. In his address to the rally, Mr McElligott alleged that importing fracked gas from the United States of America into the Shannon Estuary will have a 44% higher carbon equivalent footprint over a 20-year period than importing coal from Colombia to burn in Moneypoint. “We are going to close Moneypoint because it looks good, but we are going to …

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Council’s refusal for mast in Kilfenora is overturned

AN Bord Pleanála has overturned the decision of Clare County Council in February to reject an application from Eircom for an 18-metre mast in Kilfenora. The telecommunications company appealed that decision to An Bord Pleanála, who have now granted approval. According to the original County Council decision, such developments can only go close to populated areas, but the An Bord Pleanála inspector was of the view that there had been a misinterpretation. “In my opinion,” wrote the planning inspector, “the Planning Authority have incorrectly applied the appropriate ‘last resort’ test in this instance. The test they applied relates to ‘larger towns and in city suburbs’.” The inspector was also of the view that the facility was required, due to the poor state of coverage in the area. “I have reviewed ComReg’s online Outside Coverage Map1 for this area and note that for Ireland’s three main service providers coverage generally ranges from ‘Fringe’ to ‘No Coverage’ for 4G, from ‘Fringe’ to …

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Date set for Clare community’s flood protection works

CONSTRUCTION of the Springfield Flood Relief Scheme is to begin next month, with a formal launch to take place this Friday, July 30 in Clonlara. The scheme will provide protection for 18 properties in the area, and involves the construction of a flood protection embankment, land raising, penstock/sluice, pump station and associated works at the townlands of Springfield, Cappavilla North, Cottage and Illaunyregan, Clonlara. Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey described the news as “a relief for local residents” following decades of disruption caused by severe winter flooding. “Residents have been affected by regular instances of flooding in Clonlara on several occasions, stretching back to 1995 and more recently in 2009, 2016 and 2020,” he said. “Having been through multiple flooding events, which has had a devastating impact on their lives and on their homes, it is a relief for local residents that construction is due to begin.” The Office of Public Works (OPW), Clare County Council and Byrne Looby …

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Verdict on wind project pushed to 2022

Board requests ‘significant further information’ A DECISION on a major windfarm project proposed for the slopes of Slieve Bearnagh in North East Clare will not now be made before 2022, The Champion has learned. The 19-turbine plan from Coillte is currently being assessed by An Bord Pleanála under the Strategic Infrastructure Act. The board has confirmed that it has now asked the company for significant further information on a number of aspects of the project, including its environmental impact. The initial phase for public submissions closed early last February, with the appeals board originally indicating that a decision on the windfarm might be made in June. It is understood that observations from members of the public have raised significant concerns about the visual impact of the turbines, the effects on wildlife and the landscape, as well as dissatisfaction with the local consultation process – much of which was hampered by lockdowns and Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings. A spokesperson for An …

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EPA Licence For Irish Cement A “retrograde decision” – Deputy Crowe

GRANTING a licence allowing Irish Cement to burn waste material instead of fossil fuels at its Castlemungret plant has been condemned as a “retrograde decision” by Deputy Cathal Crowe. The Environmental Protection Agency has given Irish Cement the green light to proceed with its €10 million plan to change its production process. In 2018, An Bord Pleanala granted the go-ahead to Irish Cement to construct the buildings, which would be used for the storage of the materials and the granting of a licence was a major boost for the company plans. This development, which supports 105 full time positions at the factory, has been opposed by a number of local environmental campaigners, Deputy Cathal Crowe and anti-incineration lobby group Limerick Against Pollution (LAP). Irish Cement has previously stated it is no plans to construct an incinerator and noted using alternative fuels is safe and has been standard practice in cement factories throughout Europe for 30 years. It has claimed extensive …

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Windfarm concern group raises questions over risk of landslides

A PROPOSED windfarm earmarked for the slopes of Slieve Bearnagh in East Clare has prompted the setting up of the Carrownagowan Concern Group. The organisation, headed up by Deputy Michael McNamara, is among those to make submissions on the proposed Carrownagowan windfarm, currently being considered by An Bord Pleanála as strategic infrastructure. In its objection to the development, the group contends that “reasonable scientific doubt as to the absence of adverse effects on the integrity of the site must be removed before the project is authorised”. The submission concludes that, in applying for the 19 turbines, developers Coillte have not fully assessed the risk of landslides; the impact on designated sites including Lough Derg Special Protection Area (SPA) and the Slieve Bernagh Bog Special Area of Conservation (SAC); or the impact on birds and wildlife. The document describes the Carrownagowan Concern Group as being “comprised of persons who reside near the proposed development and have expressed concern that the information …

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Date set for hearing on Kilfenora Waste Water Treatment Plant

AN ORAL hearing is to be held later this month in relation to the compulsory purchase of lands required for an upgrade to the Kilfenora Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). An Bord Pleanála will facilitate the online hearing on Tuesday, January 19 with a decision on the matter pencilled in for January 21. According to December’s management report from Clare County Council, it is proposed to upgrade the existing Kilfenora WWTP, reuse the existing treated effluent rising main to the current discharge point and construct a new percolation area at this site. Planning permission has been granted to Irish Water, but the appeals board has opted to hold a hearing before it adjudicates on the project. The event is described as an opportunity “to make further submissions and to allow the inspector to seek clarification on any relevant issues arising and objections made”. The board has also stressed that the hearing will look at the nature of the Compulsory Purchase Order …

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Minister O’Donovan predicts Springfield flooding will end with new scheme

A GOVERNMENT minister has pledged that the construction of a new €1.3 million flood relief scheme on the outskirts of Clonlara will ensure scenes of flooded homes will “become a thing of the past”. Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, Patrick O’Donovan, has welcomed the approval of planning permission by An Bord Pleanála for the proposed flood relief scheme in Springfield, Clonlara. The scheme will involve the construction of a flood protection embankment, land raising, penstock / sluice, pump station and associated works at the townland and surrounding areas of Springfield. The project will protect 18 residential properties and will cost in the region of €1.3 million to build. “I think everybody who has followed coverage of flooding events over the past few years will recall the scenes of flooded homes and distressed residents trying to deal with the aftermath of significant flooding in Springfield/Clonlara. “Now that An Bord Pleanála has approved planning permission for …

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