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Tag Archives: An Bord Pleanála

Gort biogas facility may still be on the cards

The possibility of a large scale biogas facility being built in Gort has resurfaced, according to the Gort Biogas Concerns Group. According to the local group, the proposed developers of the facility, Sustainable Bioenergy Limited, are considering requesting a remittal of a decision made by the High Court earlier this year. That decision saw an Bord Pleanála concede to a legal case brought by the Gort Biogas Concerns against planning permission being granted for the facility. If the remittal is granted, it will see an Bord Pleanála appoint another inspector to reassess plans for the facility. The Gort Biogas Concerns Group have raised concerns over the possibility of an explosion at the proposed facility, should it be struck by lightning. The group sites a case from October of last year when lightning struck a biogas plant in Oxfordshire in England, which resulted in an explosion and fire at the site. The strike in England caused three of the four biogas …

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Councillors warn of ‘necklace’ of windfarms

A CHAIN of windfarm developments is on the way to East Clare, with turbines up to 180 metres in height, unless An Bord Pleanála makes appropriate decisions, members of Clare County Council warned this week. At Monday’s council meeting they discussed the development of a windfarm at Oatfield, which the council executive are making a submission to An Bord Pleanála on, while the Killaloe area councillors are making a separate submission. Killaloe councillor Tony O’Brien (FF) said there could be “a proliferation of massive, industrial size wind turbines stretching from Bodyke and Ogonnelloe right down across Broadford, the 12 O’Clock Hills, Sliabh Bernagh, right down into Meelick and all areas in between.” A number of East Clare residents were at the meeting and he said the councillors fully understand their opposition to having huge turbines built close to their homes. “Your concerns are our concerns,” he said. Councillor Gerry Flynn (Ind) also said the Oatfield development is just the start. …

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An Bord Pleanala overturns Council refusal for Clare mast

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a large telecoms mast at the Eir Exchange in Scariff have been given the green light by An Bord Pleanála. While the Council had refused the mast last August, the appeals board has now overturned that decision Developer Eircom, trading as Eir, lodged an appeal last September after its proposals to remove an existing wooden pole and replace it with a 21m structure were turned down by the local authority. It followed a major campaign of opposition from local residents and a group called East Clare Community Residents. Deputy Michael McNamara had also made a representation asking the Council to engage with those who had made submissions.  Following the appeal, the Council asked An Bord Pleanála to refuse the mast and to copper-fasten its decision to refuse. These included the impact of the structure on a visually prominent site where it would “dominate the eastern approach to Scariff, inherently alter the character of the town and the …

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Community gets ‘ball rolling’ on biogas plant legal challenge

Less than two weeks after a public meeting to discuss concerns about a grant of planning permission for a biogas plant in Gort, more than €60,000 has been raised to fund a legal challenge. Gort Biogas Concern Group have confirmed to The Champion that legal representation has been secured to initiate a judicial review. The group said it is determined to overturn An Bord Pleanála’s decision to green light the controversial project, in the wake of its rejection by Galway County Council.  “Six days after the meeting over €60,000 had been raised,” spokesperson Ciarán O’Donnell said. “We had around 400 people attend the meeting last week and raised a lot of funds on the night so that we can take a court challenge to this decision. Local business people are genuinely worried, everyone is worried and even though everyone is struggling financially, they are putting in money they can’t afford, because they feel so strongly. We even had a school …

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Developers appeal refusal of Ennis social homes scheme

AN APPEAL has been lodged against the Council’s refusal of a small-scale social housing development, proposed for a site on the Limerick Road in Ennis.  The plans for five additional homes at Hogan’s Place, which would be operated by the Cluid Housing Association, were lodged in October by Kilshane Investments Limited.  Local authority planners turned down the plans in November, stating that the homes would encroach into existing public open space and would contravene conditions set out when permission was granted for the existing homes at the site. They said the additional housing would “seriously injure the amenities of the dwellings” there. Planners also found that the site is located in an area of high flooding risk, where homes are classed as “high vulnerable developments”. They said that notwithstanding a Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the planning application, the proposed development would be contrary to government guidelines on flood management.  An appeal to An Bord Pleanála has just been lodged …

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An Bord Pleanála overrules inspector to approve new Ennis Aldi

AN Bord Pleanála has overruled one of its own inspector and opened the door to a major commercial development in Ennis. The board’s inspector had recommended overturning a Clare County Council decision allowing a new Aldi store at Westpoint on the Kilrush Road; he was overruled, however, and the development has been given the go-ahead. In a report prepared following the appeal of Clare County Council’s decision to give Maom Property Ltd & Lohan Property Ltd planning permission, An Bord Pleanála Planning Inspector Adrian Ormsby warned that the development would be detrimental to Ennis town centre. “It is considered that, notwithstanding the ‘Commercial’ zoning and the ‘COM6’ zoning objective of the site for use as a ‘neighbourhood centre’, the proposed development would contribute to an excessive scale which is beyond what would be reasonably envisaged for a neighbourhood centre in this area and would be of a nature and scale that would create a counter-attraction to existing town centre services …

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Proposed west Clare windfarm is refused fast-track planning

A WINDFARM development proposed for a site in west Clare will not be fast-tracked, An Bord Pleanála has decided. Whitebeam Renewables had made a case to allow plans for six turbines, an energy storage unit and a substation to go directly to the board, under the provisions of the Strategic Infrastructure Act. The development is earmarked for a site covering the townlands of Doolough, Glenmore and Cahermurphy, 4.5km north of Kilmihil. In a decision made earlier this month, the appeals board decided that while the development would meet the criteria as an energy infrastructure project, it does not qualify for the fast-track application process on the grounds of its scale.  The board received a request in June from Whitebeam Renewables for a determination on whether or not the development could be submitted as a Strategic Infrastructure application. This would cut down on the likelihood of hurdles like objections and appeals. Consultation meetings took place in July and September and Whitebeam …

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Ennis school’s proposed extension appelaed to An Bord Pleanala

PLANS for an extension to an Ennis primary school, to include the first Early Intervention Unit at a mainstream primary school in the town, have been put on hold as an appeal has been lodged with An Bord Pleanala. The appeal to the two-storey extension of Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg has been submitted by a Glenina resident who had previously lodged an objection to the plans with Clare County Council on behalf of a number of residents living in the Gort Road estate. The An Bord Pleanala appeal argues “traffic problems and anti-social behaviour are problems that already exist” in the area and the proposed development will add to this. “Trucks and diggers and building traffic will be in and out of the estate for a period of 18 months. This is a residential area were people work from home and work shift work and are entitled to live in a peaceful atmosphere,” the appeal states. The original objection documentation to …

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