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Active Travel

Rural Clare left out of active travel revolution

North and West Clare councillors have called on the Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan (GP) to restore the Active Travel Scheme, and apply it...

Ennis ‘crying out’ for bus and Active Travel infrastructure

ENNIS is crying out for a town bus and active travel infrastructure, says Clare Green Party Senator Ròisín Garvey. The Inagh-based politician is highlighting traffic...

Fears of ‘underspend’ of €5.7m Active Travel fund laid to rest

ANY view that Clare County Council has failed to utilise funding available to it under the Active Travel Scheme is not correct, the September...

Loose armadillos spark safety fears in Ennis

ARMADILLOS on the loose could result in a trip hazard on Ennis roads, an Ennis councillor has warned. However, these aren’t armadillos of an...

Updates provided on west Clare Active Travel projects

ACTIVE Travel projects are transforming pedestrian and cyclist access in West Clare, a recent meeting of the municipal district has heard. However, some works...

Walking works set for the off in Ennis

WORKS aimed at connecting parts of Ennis with walking trails are set to begin next year the Ennis Municipal District has confirmed. Funding totalling...

Worry about Green Party ‘wobbly’ on crucial Clare road

AN EAST Clare councillor described himself as “a fraction nervous” over the Green transport minister’s commitment to progressing the Killaloe Bypass. After receiving a...

Update sought on Clarecastle/Ballyalla link

THE recent announcement of €200,000 funding for a walking and cycling route linking Ennis to Clarecastle has been described as “very positive”, with more...
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