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Scariff ‘Abandoned’ after council dig up street

LOCALS in Scariff have said they feel their town has been “abandoned” by Clare County Council who they say “dug up the whole street”...

Puppy cruelly dumped and left to die

A FIVE-week-old puppy suffered extensive injuries and was dumped, before dying, in what Clare’s county dog warden has described as “one of the worst...

And they call it puppy love

AN ENNIS woman with an incurable case of ‘puppy love’ is at the centre of an incredible tale of devotion and care for sick...

Dog left to die over six weeks in West Clare

CLARE County Dog Warden, Frankie Coote has described his discovery of a dying German Shepherd in West Clare on Monday as the worst incident...

Child abandoned to meet boyfriend

By Carol Byrne A THREE-year-old child was left alone in a bedsit, while his mother went off to see her boyfriend. The incident led to...

Kilrush Town Council meeting abandoned

THE December meeting of Kilrush Town Council was abandoned in chaos on Thursday night following a heated row between town manager Anne Haugh and...
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