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Shop Local and Shop Irish

As Christmas draws closer and the to-do list grows longer (order the turkey, decorate the tree, add visiting family as named drivers to car insurance!) take some of the pressure off and get your presents out of the way by shopping with the countless brilliant independent stores across Co Clare. Every year we cover this topic because it is of year round importance.
Independent stores and small businesses are the beating heart of the local communities they serve. There are so many benefits to shopping locally this Christmas.
And there are plenty of reasons why it is worth SPENDING local for some of your services, gifts and groceries. We look at seven of the best …

1. Your spending will boost the local economy
Research on spending by local authorities shows that for every €1 spent with a small or medium-sized business 63 cents stayed in the local economy, compared to 40cents with a larger business. Research shows that for every €10 spent locally in Clare, €24 of business is generated within the local economy. As they say, what goes around comes around….

2. It is the ethical choice
Buying out-of-season produce, like strawberries in December, lowers your eco-credentials. When you shop at local butchers, bakers, farm shops and green grocers, it is likely that a decent percentage of the produce has had a short field-to-fork journey. When you are in the supermarket, think about the food you’re buying. Where was it produced? Can you buy Irish instead of imported foods? We in County Clare are particularly lucky to have such lovely local suppliers.
Buying Irish produce helps to reduce your ‘food miles’, ensures that you eat fresher food and also helps to support Irish industry.

3. They sell quirky, one-off gifts
Independent shops often stock items which are made locally and aren’t available elsewhere: buy a dress by a fledgling designer and there is little chance of turning up to the office Christmas party wearing the same as someone else. (Many retailers will keep a list of outfits sold for particular events)
Local shops also support local artists and designers, food producers and growers, so you’re buying products absolutely unique to your area.

4. You will be supporting Irish entrepreneurs
We cannot spend our money online and in large chain stores only to then bemoan the hard time the small local retailer is having.
It’s like anything, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone and while it’s very nice and oh so convenient to have the large retailers on our doorsteps, small independent stores are also extremely valuable to communities and must be protected.
The issues of spiralling rents and rates is not a new one and retailers have been raising this concern for more than a decade yet very little has been done.
We all see, and contribute to, the Black Friday and Cyber Monday hype and many of us had no problem shelling out cash for the deal of the year, and it didn’t cost us a thought as to who was benefiting from the sale. Whether it’s right or wrong in terms of the shop local ethos, consumers want the best value they can get, with the least amount of hassle, and this often is achieved by shopping online. However, the vast majority of Co Clare businesses are now online so now we can shop local, and still shop online!

5. You can help build communities
Bookshops, cafes, retail and craft shops often drum up custom by hosting events, from book groups to knitting clubs and children’s events. If the businesses are not supported, the local groups tend to disappear too. Additionally it is often the local businesses that sponsor the local sports clubs and smaller local charities.
Markets also often give space to community groups and social enterprises. Markets can have a community value, as there is often a social purpose to stalls – they can be public spaces as well as retail outlets. In Roslevan, where we have our office, there is a vibrant market every Friday which we are delighted to support and meet many of our customers in a more relaxed setting.

6. You might get a better deal or some good advice
Local bakers throw in extra roll for regulars; shops give informal 5% discounts; and market stall holders are prepared to negotiate on prices. Independent retailers can use their discretion to reward regular custom, or free wrapping, and it can mean you get discounts on the items you actually want to buy, rather than being tempted by multi-buy offers in the big chains.
The customer experience is generally more helpful than when you go to department stores or high street chains. You’ll find that staff will know the products inside-out and will be more than happy to guide you through the collections and offer honest advice, which is crucial when you’re cramming some present shopping in during your lunch break.
If you get to know your independent trader, they should be able to recommend products to you. For example, if you have a particular dietary requirement, they can be great at telling you all about products you may wish to buy.
Also, considering the majority of financial scams are happening digitally – in person shopping rules out the chance of you getting caught up in a scam.

7. You can sometimes try before you buy
Major retailers have the advantage of economies of scale and can afford to slash prices and offer reduced costs. However, it’s easy to waste money on products you end up not actually liking. You can hardly crack open a bottle of fizz in a supermarket aisle and do a quick taste test, or check if an apple is crunchy by taking a big bite.
Neither can you do this online. At independent retailers, however, it’s easier to ask to sample a product.
Many independent off-licences throw regular wine tasting events, while farm shops, bakeries and delis hand out tasters as a matter of course.
We too are a local business and are very thankful for all our County Clare clients.
So, in short, there are many compelling reasons to shop local and shop Irish, but never more so than now.

Carey Corbett Financial Services are experts on pensions, investments, mortgages, protection and financial planning. Call Tommy or Donal at 065-689 3540 or info@careycorbett.com

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