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HomeBreaking NewsSaddling up for Clare Pass Wide & Slow awareness ride and drive

Saddling up for Clare Pass Wide & Slow awareness ride and drive

THE Clare event of the nationwide Pass Wide & Slow Awareness Ride/Drive will be held in Ennis this September with horses and ponies being brought through the town to highlight road safety issues.

The event is being hosted at the Ennis Showgrounds on Sunday, September 18 at 2pm with those taking part embarking on a 6km circular route around Ennis.

One of the Clare organisers Máire Gleeson explains, “This year we are going to be walking and driving the horses and ponies around Ennis town, we have the support of An Garda, Clare Civil Defence and the Clare County Council.

“This Awareness Ride/Drive is being held to highlight the road safety issues horse and pony riders, carriage drivers and motorists experience while out on the roads.

“As equestrians we use the roads to transfer the horses from the stables to their paddocks and back again. We also use the roads to train and exercise the horses/ponies. Some have little to no experience of meeting oncoming traffic, they can get frightened, spooked and can act up by dancing on the spot, turn their back end out into the line of traffic or bolt.

“In order for the motorist to recognise the signs that a horse or pony are having problems as their car, van, truck, motorbike, bike or tractor approaches, we want to highlight the signs and signals so that the motorists can recognise these signs and slow down or come to a complete stop allowing the handler or rider to pass them out rather than the other way around.”

They are asking motorists to slow down to 15km/h the moment they see a horse or pony on the road. To stop the moment the horse or pony shows signs of being afraid to allow the handler to pass them out instead. And not to release air-breaks until the horse/pony has cleared the back of your vehicle.

Anyone who would like to take part are very welcome and must have their own Equine Insurance in place to ride out on the day. Contact Máire on 086 8248092 to be included. Volunteers to assist will be greatly appreciated.

Registration will take place on Saturday, September 17 at the Ennis Showgrounds between 7pm and 8pm. All riders must arrive by 1pm on Sunday, September 18.

“We will be setting off at 2pm sharp and will have refreshments on returning back to the Ennis Showgrounds.” She adds that anyone who arrives late will not be able to take part.

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