Inagh woman, Roisin Garvey has been selected by the Green Party in Clare to contest the upcoming General Election. She is a well known local activist and champion for community projects.
Ms Garvey comes from a large and well regarded family of teachers and farmers. She is a single mother with one teenage son,Corrán, and works full time with schools throughout the county on An Taisce’s Green Schools Programme.
She said, “It is a honour to have been selected by the Green Party for this election and I am extremely excited about the opportunity to put myself forward as a representative for the people of Clare. I plan to use my unique experience in the community and voluntary sector for the benefit of so many people in our county, and to bring a new vision for rural Ireland to our national parliament.
“Clare has been at the sharp end of this Government’s cutbacks, and it is time for a new generation of representatives to set out a clear plan for how to grow employment and reinvigorate local services in our communities. I believe it is the Green Party that presents the best vision of how to do this, and how to create a new rural economy that links tourism, farming and the SME sector. From Ennis to Kilrush to Ballyvaughan, our county has amazing potential for a better future.”
A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.