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HomeNewsRenting guide to help students

Renting guide to help students

Clare Champion Print Subscription

Many of the disputes which arise between tenants and landlords are often due to the fact that the parties involved are not fully aware of their rights and responsibilities, according to the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI).

The SCSI said this was particularly true of people who were renting a property for the first time, particularly students. To address this issue from the tenants’ perspective, the society has launched a Tenants Guide to Renting and is urging all renters, particularly those signing a rental agreement for the first time to consult it.

Speaking at the launch, Pat Winters, chair of the SCSI Residential Property Management Group, said it was important that renters made informed decisions.

“We want to provide tenants with the requisite information to help them avoid disputes but we also want to help them resolve them effectively if and when they arise. At this time of year a lot of students will be moving into rental accommodation and we want them and their parents to put it top of their reading list! If they follow the tips in our guide they may well avoid unnecessary hassle down the line,” he said.

The society has also launched a Clear Impartial Guide to Letting, which is aimed at informing landlords of their rights and responsibilities.

Guides are available to download at

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A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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