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HomeRegionalEnnisRemembering a loved one this Christmas

Remembering a loved one this Christmas

THE  Lions Club of Ennis has come together with Ennis Rotary Club in aid of Cahercalla Hospice this Christmas with the creation of a Remembrance Christmas Tree in the county capital’s Market Square. People can remember a loved on by placing a ribbon on the town’s Christmas tree in their name for a €5 donation to the charity.

According to a spokesperson for the organisers, the charity fundraiser has proven very popular over the years and they are encouraging people to continue their generous support.

“The Remembrance Christmas Tree is a way for people to remember a loved one. It could be a loved one who has passed away or indeed someone overseas or someone away from home this Christmas time. As well as remembering someone, the tree will also raise much needed funds for Cahercalla. Both the Lions Club of Ennis and Ennis Rotary Club have come together on this initiative and we are delighted with the support we have received so far. There is still some room on the tree for anybody who still wishes to purchase a ribbon,” he said.

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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