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HomeBreaking NewsPublic split 55-45 on ugly/beautiful Púca rejected by Ennistymon

Public split 55-45 on ugly/beautiful Púca rejected by Ennistymon

SCARY, beautiful, ugly, creative, hideous, quirky, vulgar, wonderful, grotesque, imaginative, evil, humorous, frightening, refreshing, eye-catching and eye-sore.

These are just some of the words used by those who participated in the Clare County Council consultants’ survey that resulted in the Council saying ‘no’ to the €30,000 bronze Púca sculpture for Ennistymon after an eight-month long controversy.

Released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the 24 page report by Council hired consultants, Connect The Dots reveals the depth of local feeling that the Púca aroused.

The report states that 674 responses were received as to whether people liked the Puca or not with 370 or 55pc outlining reasons for disliking it with 291 or 44pc in favour of the Púca.

The report states that there were at least 79 mentions of ‘ugly’, 10 mentions of ‘scary’, 11 mentions of ‘hideous’ and eight mentions of ‘eye-sore’.

The report states: “Other examples included dark, evil, unappealing, unpleasant, frightening, grotesque and vulgar.”

A number of responses were concerned with the lack of connection of Puca to Ennistymon, according to the report.

The report states that furthermore a number of submissions were concerned for its impact on the community, specifically kids, deeming it as inappropriate and scary for younger children. 

The report states that in the responses, that there was a “concern for vandalism in the case that the installation would go ahead”.

Asked for an alternative location for the Puca, responders suggested ‘at the bottom of the ocean’, ‘Space near Pluto’ and another suggested ‘somewhere hidden’ or ‘behind a wall’.

The report states that almost 60pc of those who provided an alternative location did not provide practical recommendations. 

One respondent wrote that “the local community has been left with a bad taste in their mouths regarding the whole debacle’ while other contended that the Púca is “ugly, inappropriate…Puca is linked to evil, unwelcoming, not what you would want to portray to visitors or guests”.

The report states that in contrast, there were many key themes repeated in favour of the artwork “including its uniqueness and originality as well as its ability to create conversation, provoke thought and pique interest the way a piece of art should”.

The report states that “others commended the artist’s abilities” and respondents also mentioned descriptions of the Puca including “fun, humorous, imaginative, abstract, quirky, eye-catching, refreshing and striking”.

One person wrote that the artwork ‘beautifully encapsulates the essence of the Púca  legend – he is not supposed to be a cuddly character’ while another wrote ‘technically, stunning, incredible craft and thematically rich. A memorable work of art’.

Another wrote ‘it puts the ‘Wild’ in ‘Wild Atlantic Way’, while another wrote that “I didn’t like it, but with all the publicity, I have grown to love it’.

A fan of the Púca wrote that it ‘connects the old world and the new world and the surrealism is a nice contrast to the town’s more traditional aesthetic’.

While another person wrote “it would be a real shame if you let the naysayers have their way. It’s a beautiful piece of work”.

One respondent wrote “I would hate to think a stunning piece of art like would be vetoed by the Church or by people without the vision to see what it would bring to the community”.

Forecasting a tourism dividend, one respondent wrote “tourists would love to have a photo with the ‘love it or hate it’ artwork’.

Another person wrote that the proposed sculpture “has given our town very bad publicity. We did not deserve this”.

The report found that “although numbers were consistently quite balanced, voices and opinions against the artwork and location were much more impassioned and were slightly higher in number”.

The creator of the Púca, artist, Aidan Harte said on Tuesday that the Connect the Dots report “made for entertaining reading”.

“It was a losing battle from the start. There is a sound reason why public art is typically not selected by a vote. Wherever it is tried, the results please no one and I blame shows like the X Factor that promoted childish ideas that art should be as convenient as fast food, instantly appealing, easily consumed and quickly forgotten.”

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He said: “A poll like this promotes division and extremism and tellingly the report says that 99pc of people to respond were online and the majority of those chose the highest or lowest rating so it is either ‘love or hate’ and nothing in between in the middle where most normal people are and they are entirely excluded.”

Mr Harte stated that such a consultation process and report “reduces a complicated nuanced discussion into numbers and  percentages”.

He also questioned responders who expressed concerns over the impact the Púca  would have on young children.

Mr Harte – who confirmed that work on the Púca is continuing – visited west Clare school, Rineen National School with a model of the Púca recently “and the kids were lining up to touch the Púca  – it turns out Clare kids are ‘monster mad’.”

He said, “I appreciate all those who stood up for Puca particularly the person who wrote that the Puca puts the Wild in the Wild Atlantic Way.”

“Whatever my reservations about hiring a consultancy firm to organise an online vote, I fully accept Clare Co Council’s decision not to put it up in Ennistymon.”

Following the Ennistymon rejection, Clare County Council put the Púca  up for grabs for other north Clare communities.

The closing date for expressions of interest was last Thursday and the Council is remaining tight-lipped, for now, on the level of interest.

A Council spokesman said that information concerning expressions of interest will be released and the next steps following a closing meeting with Connect The Dots on April 6.

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