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HomeNewsPositive focus on mental health

Positive focus on mental health

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr James Reilly launched the Let’s Go Mental programme, at two events in Dublin today (Wednesday.)

The launch was kicked off by music from rock band HamsandwicH on the Let’s Go Mental community bus. Also on the bus was Annalise Murphy, the Irish Olympic sailor who, like HamsandwicH, is an ambassador for the campaign. Actor Brian Gleeson is the third celebrity ambassador.

Let’s Go Mental is focused on positivity and on giving young people the tools to use in their everyday lives to manage their own mental health. Let’s Go Mental is a series of 31 regional events to promote positive mental health through music, sport, the arts and other fun activities.

The Let’s Go Mental events are being organised and run by the 31 Comhairle na nÓg from June to October this year.

“Mental health issues affect us all. Everyone has bad days and difficult times. I am keenly aware of the challenges facing young people today who are often under pressure in school, from their friends, from their families, from the media and from social media. In this job, I have seen the importance of young people sharing their problems, talking to their friends and family and seeking help when they need it. Today proves that young people themselves must be given the opportunity to be part of national decision-making and of proposing ideas and solutions to issues such as mental health,” Dr Reilly said.

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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