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HomeBreaking NewsLahinch housing objectors point to inadequate sewage treatment

Lahinch housing objectors point to inadequate sewage treatment

THE chair of Clare Labour is among objectors to plans for the construction of housing in Lahinch, saying the proposal should be refused until the local sewage treatment system is improved.

John Talty Construction Ltd has applied to Clare County Council for planning permission to construct a development of eight houses, comprising six detached and two semi-detached homes together with all associated site development works, wastewater pre-treatment and connections to public services at Cill Stuifin, School Road, Attycristora, Lahinch.

Objecting to the plans, Denis Vaughan who in January was elected chair of the Labour Party in Clare, argues, “There are reports of people swimming at that place becoming ill because of untreated sewage in the water.

“For that reason permission should be refused until the sewage treatment system is improved. I also believe the Lahinch water supply is inadequate and that is another reason to believe the application must be rejected at this time.”

He outlines that a recent application for a larger housing scheme of 28 houses at Station Road was refused permission with the Chief Executive’s Order making reference to the “existing deficiency in the provision of sewerage facilities in Lahinch”, stating the development would be premature.

An Taisce have also made a comment to Clare County Council on the School Road proposal stating, “Further housing and other developments in Lahinch are constrained by inadequate waste water treatment capacity.”

Patrick O’Dwyer with an address in Quin in his submission points out that while the proposal site is part of an extensive area of Lahinch zoned for low density residential development, the plan should be rejected.

“Raw untreated sewage was found in the sea” he states adding this is caused by “inadequate infrastructure”. He urged that the plans be refused permission until Clare County Council / Irish Water upgrade infrastructure in Lahinch.

Dr Diarmuid Ó Gráda, a Dublin based planning consultant states, “We understand that Lahinch sewage treatment system is already inadequate and that the effluent is causing great concern for public health.

“We are informed that many people bathing at that place have become ill due to untreated sewage in the water. In such circumstances any increased loading would be contrary to public health. We invite the council to find the current proposal is premature pending the upgrading of the sewage treatment capacity.”

The observation adds, “Lahinch has a notable deficit in the piped water system. We need to know when this deficit will be made good before any scheme of this scale is allowed.”

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