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Launch of Clare’s ‘Not Around Us’ Campaign – Towards a Tobacco & Vape Free Clare

ON this National No Smoking Day County Clare is launching a ‘Not Around Us’ campaign. The initiative is being led by Clare County Council’s Healthy Clare team in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the HSE’s QUIT-Mid-West team, Clare Comhairle na nÓg, Clare Children and Young People’s Services Committee, Clare Youth Services, Clare Sports Partnership, Greener Clare and Healthy Ireland.
“Not Around Us” is another step Towards a Tobacco and Vape Free Clare by promoting environments where it is easier for those who smoke to quit and stay quit and to help de-normalise smoking for the next generation. The campaign is in response to the government’s national target for a less than 5% smoking prevalence in Ireland by 2025.
It is about supporting Chapter 7 of the Tobacco Free Ireland policy – denormalisation of smoking and protection of children and young people.
The purpose of Not Around Us is to:
• Help protect children and young people from second-hand smoke exposure.
• Contribute to the denormalisation of smoking for children and young people.
• Reduce environmental nuisance, cost of cleaning and damage that discarded tobacco products create.
• Signpost the HSE Quit services.

This National No Smoking Day marks the initial launch of the campaign in Clare; with an aim of raising awareness of the Not Around Us initiative leading up to World No Tobacco Day on May 31.
Not Around Us, outdoor signage and window stickers are available for different settings (e.g. at school gates, in a playground). Organisations interested in the signing up to the campaign should go to the Healthy Clare webpage (https://www.clarecoco.ie/services/community/healthy-clare/).
Pat Dowling, Chief Executive Officer, Clare County Council said, “Clare County Council is delighted to be fulfilling our commitment to Healthy Ireland and the Tobacco Free Ireland policy through the launch of the Not Around Us campaign.”
“It is paramount that the environments in which we live, grow, learn, work, and play in are protective of health and wellbeing. The Not Around Us campaign is a step towards ensuring healthy environments not only of our children here in County Clare, but also of our older citizens of the future”.
Karen Fennessy, Healthy Clare Co-Ordinator commented, “The Clare Not Around us Campaign forms part of a wider vision for a healthier Smoke & Vape-Free Clare. This campaign receives the full support of the Healthy Clare Strategic Working Group and the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).
A Tobacco Free Clare is not just about adults quitting smoking but about respecting open spaces particularly where children play thereby creating a culture of support, caring for oneself and those around you. Our vision is to make our beautiful County a healthier place to be for everyone. I encourage any organisation where children and young people are likely to be to get involved in the Not Around Us campaign and actively participate in the Towards a Tobacco and Vape Free Clare agenda.”
The HSE QUIT service provides personalised, free support by phone, email, SMS and live chat.  Smokers can free call 1800 201 203 or visit www.QUIT.ie for stop smoking tips and resources, a free QUIT Kit, and to create a QUIT Plan.

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