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HomeBreaking NewsHSA campaign on farm safety

HSA campaign on farm safety

Clare Champion Print Subscription

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) will begin a month long intensive farm inspection campaign on Tuesday next. Approximately 500 inspections are planned with the focus on tractor and machinery safety.

Each year, nearly half of all farm deaths, and many more serious accidents, are linked to tractors and machinery.  To date in 2017 there have been six farm fatalities with four involving tractors or machinery. In an effort to reduce these accidents inspectors will be encouraging farmers to plan work and have systems in place that minimise risk particularly during silage harvesting.

Pat Griffin, senior inspector with the HSA said that many serious and fatal accidents on farms occur when someone is crushed or struck by machinery.

“The movement of machinery, whether in the yard or in a field, can be hazardous and farmers need to be aware of the risks, particularly if there are young children living on or visiting the farm. Incidents of crushing someone against a building, a wall, a gate or of farmers themselves being caught in crush zones are too common.

Crush zones are generally between the tractor and an attachment or machine or indeed within the machine itself. Farmers need to identify these zones and ensure that the risk to themselves or others being crushed is eliminated.”

Guarding of machinery is also an important factor in preventing accidents and Pat Griffin says that unguarded moving parts on a tractor or machine are drawing-in hazards.

“Wherever it is possible to install a guard, on a PTO shaft for example, you are required to do so. It only takes a second to become entangled in an unguarded PTO shaft and the resulting injuries are devastating.  Our inspectors will take enforcement action wherever they find tractors being operated with unguarded PTO shafts.”

For further information on tractor and machinery safety visit and download a free leaflet, Essential Tractor Safety Checks.

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A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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