PLANNING permission has been granted for the construction of an air cargo hub and logistics/distribution facility at Shannon Airport.
According to the planning application the facility would be 2705m2 in size, with an office area of 335m2.
Shannon Group has held talks with Amazon about it opening a base at the airport, but it’s still unclear as to whether it has been lined up to use this facility.
Regarding its location, the planner’s report on the application said, “The proposed 1.718 hectare greenfield site is located at Rineanna South, within the Shannon Airport lands.
“It is north of the Shannon Estuary and south west of Shannon Town. The proposal would be accessed off the N19 and backs onto the airport runway.
“The site is currently occupied by a manicured green area. There are large industrial buildings to the west of the proposal site, the runway to the north, the N19 to the south and more green area to the west.
“The proposal would be ancillary to the operation of the airport and would be viewed in the context of the industrial nature of the surrounding area.”
The planner’s report on the application, found that the principle of development was acceptable at the location.
“Shannon Commercial Properties propose to construct a new cargo hub warehouse facility with ancillary office space, delivery/collection yard, taxiway connection, refuse stores with car parking, bicycle parking, ESB substation, switch room and associated site works on a greenfield site located airside at Shannon Free Zone, Shannon, Co Clare.
“It is proposed to construct a new single storey high-bay air cargo hub and logistics/distribution facility (2705m2) with ancillary single storey office area (335m2).
“The works include a new site access and the provision of 42 car parking spaces which include accessible spaces, secure bicycle parking spaces, louvred plant/refuse store, photovoltaic array, building signage and a single storey substation.
“The construction of new hard surfaced ancillary delivery/service yard with vehicular and HGV parking, all ancillary landscaping and associated site works and services, including the decommisioning of adjacent septic tank and installation of a new pumping station to facilitate connection to existing airport infrastructure.
“The total site is approximately 1.6 hectares. The proposed development is considered to be ancillary to the operations of the airport and in keeping with the objectives as set out in the current Shannon and Environs Local Area Plan and the Clare County Development Plan. Therefore the principle of development is acceptable.”
Owen Ryan has been a journalist with the Clare Champion since 2007, having previously worked with a number of other publications in Limerick, Cork and Galway. His first book will be published in December 2024.