NINE staff members and six residents tested positive for Covid-19 in an Ennistymon long-stay residential centre, a new report has revealed.
The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) conducted a one-day risk inspection of Ennistymon Community Hospital on July 7 to monitor compliance with national regulations, and following an outbreak of Covid-19 the previous January.
One resident with Covid-19 died, according to a HIQA inspection report.
At the time of this inspection, residents and staff had completed their required period of isolation and the outbreak had been declared over by public health on February 23.
The centre, which is run by the Health Service Executive (HSE), had 15 residents on the day of the inspection, but has the capacity to accommodate 27.
It was deemed to be compliant with national regulations on staffing, training and staff development, governance and management, complaints procedure, visits, infection control, fire precautions, individual assessment and care plan, health care, protection and residents’ rights.
Inspectors found the centre was substantially compliant with the regulation on premises. On the day of inspection, the staffing numbers and skill mix were appropriate to meet the support requirements of 15 residents.
A review of staffing rosters showed there was a nurse on duty at all times, with a regular pattern of rostered care staff.
There were normally three nurses and three care staff during the morning time, three nurses and two care staff during the afternoon, two nurses and two care staff in the evening, with two nurses and one care staff on duty at night time.
The staffing compliment included, housekeeping, activities coordinator, catering, maintenance and administration staff.
Residents spoke positively about the care and service provided and commented that they were comfortable and content living in the centre.
During the morning of inspection, the inspector observed that residents had been served their breakfasts in their bedrooms. Some residents were relaxing by their bedsides listening to the radio or viewing television, while others were still in bed.
Some residents who were spoken with told the inspector how they preferred to remain in their bedrooms during the morning time and choose to attend the day room for their preferred activities.
Residents commented ‘you couldn’t fault this place’, ‘everything is very good’ and ‘I am very lucky to be here’.
Throughout the day, residents in the day room were observed partaking and enjoying a number of individual and group activities. There was normally an activities coordinator on duty.
The monthly activities schedule was displayed and included a variety of activities including exercise group, bingo, baking, quiz, walks in the garden, newspaper and rosary.
The inspection report outlined residents had access to an enclosed landscaped garden courtyard area, the doors to the garden area were open and they were easily accessible. The garden areas were attractive with a variety of interesting plants and shrubs.
Throughout the day, the observation and interaction between residents and staff was positive, engaging, patient and kind.
Inspectors noted there was an obvious, familiar and comfortable rapport between residents and staff and a relaxed atmosphere was evident.
Residents reported that the food was very good and that they were happy with the choice and variety of food offered.
Staff were observed to engage positively with residents during meal times, offering choice and appropriate encouragement while other staff sat with residents who required assistance with their meal.
In response to the audit, the centre confirmed weeds have been removed from the enclosed courtyard. An on-site meeting has taken place with the maintenance officer and a timetable for completion of works has been agreed. Repair and painting of the wall in main day room is planned. Window closers will be checked and repaired on all windows throughout the centre.
Privacy issues and exterior wall issues in relation to the Birch suite will be addressed. These proposed works are due to be completed by October 29 next.
by Dan Danaher