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HomeRegionalSouth ClareDeadline approaching for submissions to Killaloe plan

Deadline approaching for submissions to Killaloe plan

MEMBERS of the local community are being invited to participate in the development of a Town Enhancement and Mobility Plan for Killaloe-Ballina.

Clare County Council and Tipperary County Council have started the preparation of the plan, which will facilitate a coordinated approach to public realm enhancements within Killaloe and Ballina, providing a clear vision for Killaloe and Ballina as linked settlements.

The Killaloe-Ballina Town Enhancement and Mobility Plan is a non-statutory plan that is being prepared on behalf of both local authorities with a view to supporting the development and enhancement of the twin villages.

The plan will deal with a number of topics, including transport and mobility, place making and public realm; street furniture design, tourism, blue-green infrastructure strategy and the development proposals for identified ‘opportunity sites’.

Specific measures, designs and schemes will promote the towns’ complementarity, and create an overall focus on their joint strengths and opportunities in terms of functionality, aesthetics and the changing transport profile of the town as a result of the new Shannon crossing.

Clare and Tipperary County Councils have put together a multi-disciplinary team comprising town planners, transport engineers, landscape architects, conservation architects, tourism specialists and ecologists and now invite members of the public to participate in the development of the overall vision. They are seeking initial feedback and comments from statutory consultees as well as local residents, traders, business owners, shopkeepers, anglers, recreation enthusiasts, visitors and everyone else who has an interest in preserving and enhancing the fabric of Killaloe and Ballina.

Welcoming the commencement of the public consultation process, Cathaoirleach of Killaloe Municipal District (MD), Councillor Pat Hayes, said that obtaining input from members of the public at the early stages of the process is important and will help to determine the final outcome of the plan.

“This Town Enhancement and Mobility Plan will sustain and enrich co-operation between the towns of Killaloe and Ballina into the future. Public participation is a key element of this project, and I encourage members of the local community to share their opinions so that their thoughts, visions and aspirations can be incorporated into the plan,” Councillor Hayes said.

Anne Haugh, Director of Service and Area Manager, Killaloe MD, Clare County Council, added, “The overarching aim of the plan is to suit and serve all who travel through and use spaces within the town centres.

“We are inviting submissions from the public to identify priorities and help to shape the future development of the towns, which are so rich in cultural, built and industrial heritage.”

An Issues Booklet has been produced to help inform submissions and is available on the Clare County Council, clarecoco.ie.

In Clare, the booklet is also available at the following locations at Áras Contae an Chláir in Ennis; the Killaloe Municipal District Office in Scariff and at Killaloe Library.

Submissions may also be made in writing to: Killaloe Ballina Town Enhancement Plan, Economic Development Directorate, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare, V95 DX92.

Submissions or observations must be made in writing no later than 5pm on Monday, September 7.

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