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HomeBreaking NewsClare people reminded to have say on county's future

Clare people reminded to have say on county’s future

THE people of Clare are being reminded that the closing date is nearing for submissions to the Draft County Development Plan. The deadline for making submissions closes on Monday, March 28 at 4pm, writes Jessica Quinn.

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The Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 was placed on public display by Clare County Council in December, while a series of nine public consultation events took place during January and February.

Once adopted, the County Development Plan will set out the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Clare over a six-year period.

This St Patrick’s Day, March 17, planning staff will provide an information stand at the Ennis St Patrick’s Day parade, which will offer information on the Draft County Development Plan and where planning staff will be available to speak with.

According to Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Councillor PJ Ryan, “The public consultation process presents members of the public with a valuable opportunity to have their say on the future of their county. I would encourage people from all parts of the county to inspect the Draft Plan before the submission deadline of March 28.

“This is an opportunity to give their views on key strategic and local issues including population and housing, economic and enterprise development, tourism and retail development, towns and villages, rural development, transport and infrastructure, built and natural heritage, landscape and green infrastructure, climate action, renewable energy and environment, social, community and cultural development, and land use zoning.”

Liam Conneally, Director of Economic Development, Clare County Council, added, “Clare County Council urges people and communities in Clare to view the Draft Plan on our website and at our display locations and have their say by making submissions to the Planning Department of Clare County Council before March 28.”

Clare County Council is also highlighting the importance of the engagement of children and young people in the plan-making process to ensure their opinions are considered in developing the future planning framework for the county.

The Council contacted all primary and secondary schools within the county inviting them to participate in the Draft Clare County Development Plan consultation process.

As part of the consultation process, third-year students and teaching staff from Scariff Community College visited the Council offices at Áras Contae an Chláir in Ennis last week.

They attended a presentation and discussion with Elected Members of Killaloe Municipal District, the Chief Executive, and planning staff, in the Council Chamber.

The students at Scariff Community College had been very proactive in engagement and participation in a pre-draft public consultation project at the beginning of the plan-making process in November 2020.

The purpose of the visit to the Council was to learn about how their submission had been considered in informing the Draft County Development Plan and how they can have their say again at this stage in the plan-making process.

A copy of the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 with associated Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report will be on public display until 28th March, 2022, and is available to view online and may also be inspected during normal opening hours at the following locations:

• Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis
• Shannon Municipal District Office, Town Hall, Shannon
• West Clare Municipal District Office, Town Hall, The Square, Kilrush
• Ennistymon Area Office, Ennis Road, Ennistymon
• Killaloe Municipal District Office, Mountshannon Road, Scarriff, and
• At all public libraries in County Clare during opening hours.

Copies of the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 are also available for purchase from the Planning Department.
Submissions on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 will be accepted from members of the public and prescribed stakeholders up until 4:00pm on Monday, March 28, 2022.

To view the Plan and for further information on making a submission or observation, visit https://clarecdp2023-2029.clarecoco.ie/stage2-draft/display/

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