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Exercise caution on the roads

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), has today (Monday) issued a reminder to all road users to continue to exercise caution when using the roads. Even though weather conditions have improved, road conditions in parts of the country are still hazardous due to the continued presence of flooding on roads. There is also the added danger posed by storm damaged road surfaces and gravel / stones deposited by surface water, especially on regional roads. The RSA advises the following: Driver behaviour needs to match the road conditions on roads. Debris deposited by the recent rainwater (surface run off) and wet roads will reduce grip so drivers are asked to slow down and increase braking distances, by leaving a bigger gap between vehicles. DO NOT attempt to drive through flooded roads as stranded cars are causing obstruction and a hazard in some locations. Pay attention to any advice or signage that either the local authorities or the gardaí have in place for road closures …

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Dangerous conditions for motorists

With widespread flooding on roads in many parts of the country, motorists are advised to heed the local authority warnings. The RSA also has useful advice on their website. People should avoid contact with floodwaters, which may be contaminated. If it is necessary to walk through floodwater, use a stick or walking pole to test the ground under the water. Do not enter flowing floodwaters – they may be deeper and faster flowing than they appear. The public is reminded to avoid walking along riverbanks, which may be unsafe due to swollen rivers until it is safe to do so. They are also requested to heed any public warnings from the local authorities or local media outlets. People are further advised to follow local flood warnings issued through local authorities for more detailed information. With strong winds and high seas expected over coming days, the Coast Guard advice to people remains the same – anybody who might visit coastal areas should take care. …

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Decrease in road deaths

A provisional review of road fatalities for 2015 shows that as of December 22 there have been 154 deaths, following 148 fatal collisions on Irish roads. This represents 37 fewer deaths (-19%) and 29 fewer fatal crashes compared to the same period in 2014. Commenting on the provisional review, published by the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe, said,“While every death is one too many, the progress we are making in reducing the number of fatalities on our roads is encouraging. It is estimated, however, that a further eight people may die over the Christmas period, further highlighting the fact that the opportunity is there for each and every one of us to prevent this from happening by making good choices whether we are out walking, cycling, biking or driving. “But not only can we save more lives we also have the possibility of making 2015 the safest year on our …

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Hazardous road conditions in Clare

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has renewed its appeal to users to take extra care on the roads as Met Éireann have issued an ORANGE weather warning for counties Clare, Kerry and Cork. Prolonged falls of very heavy is rain expected overnight today (Friday) and during Saturday, with totals of 30 to 50mm, larger totals on higher ground. Further flooding is expected. The poor weather will create potentially hazardous conditions for road users. As such the RSA is advising drivers that; It takes longer to stop a vehicle on wet roads so slow down and allow extra distance between you and the vehicle in front, 4 seconds at a minimum (use the 2 second rule and repeat it twice). Take special care when driving behind trucks or buses as they generate a considerable amount of spray which reduces your visibility. Watch out for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are advised to be seen. Wear bright …

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The Ford Mondeo is the Continental Irish Car of the Year 2016

Ford Mondeo is Continental Irish Car of the Year 2016

The Ford Mondeo has been voted Continental Irish Car of the Year 2016 by the Irish Motoring Writers’ Association. The announcement of the 39th Irish Car of the Year Award was made at an awards ceremony in Dublin today. The winning car was revealed by Rosemary Smith, to mark the 50th anniversary of her victory in the Tulip Rally in April 1965. She is the only woman to have won the rally. The overall results, with weighted scores, were as follows: 1. Ford Mondeo 148 points 2. Volvo XC90 147 points 3. Mercedes Benz GLE 144 points 4. Kia Sorento 144 points 5. Skoda Superb 140 points The Irish Motoring Writers’ Association judges awarded points on the basis of criteria ranging from design, comfort, safety, economy, handling and performance as well as driver satisfaction, value for money and technical innovation, with a maximum of 20 points under each heading. John Galvin, Chairman of the Irish Motoring Writers’ Association, commented: “The …

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Plenty of rock salt to treat roads

Clare County Council has sufficient supplies of rock salt to treat the county’s regional and national roads over the winter months. The local authority’s depot/maintenance facility at Beechpark, has 1,600 tonnes of rock salt, which the council notes is sufficient to facilitate up to 30 applications on the county’s strategic road network. Salt stocks will also be drawn down by the council during the winter from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (formerly the NRA) and the Department of Transport. Further stocks will be available if required in an emergency situation from TII’s strategic salt reserve.

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Bank holiday car seatbelt appeal

To coincide with the October Bank Holiday, gardaí and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) are making a special appeal to drivers and passengers to ensure they use a safety belt at all times. A review of fixed charge notices issued for this offence so far in 2015 reveals that the 20-39 age groups are the ones that are failing most to use the most basic form of road safety – the safety belt. More than half (56%) of all fixed charge notices were issued to people aged 20-39. In addition, concern is also being expressed over the number of fatal incidents where it has been found that the driver or passenger had not been wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision. No safety belt was worn at the time of collision for one in three of the driver or passenger road deaths so far in 2015, significantly higher than in previous years. Nearly half of these (48%) …

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Fixed penalties for over 240 cyclists

More than 240 Fixed Charge Notices (FCN) have been issued to cyclists in the first two months of the introduction of the new regulations. Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe said the new regulations are helping to promote better cycling behaviour and keeping our cyclists and other road users safer on the roads. ” An Garda Síochána has indicated that between July 31 and the end of September a total of 244 fines have been issued to cyclists who have broken the law and committed one of the seven road traffic offences identified under the regulations. “Unsurprisingly, most fines have been issued for the offence of breaking a red light (144), with failure to have appropriate lighting on a bike accounting for the next highest number of fines at 44. “This measure was introduced with a view to promoting safe cycling practices and changing poor cycling behaviour and preventing needless collisions and injury on our roads. Last year, 13 cyclists were killed …

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