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Call for footpath provision in Quin

RESIDENTS in Quin have raised concerns over road safety for pedestrians on the Dromoland side of the village, a local councillor has said. 

Councillor Pat Burke called on officials of the Killaloe Municipal District to look at the possibility of putting in a footpath on the Ballykilty/Dromoland side of Quin in the interests of safety.

“An incident took place five or six weeks ago and it was not the first time there was a traffic accident,” he told the district meeting. “Residents want something done.”

The Whitegate man welcomed an undertaking from Acting Senior Executive Engineer, Derek Troy to progress the matter. ‘The reply is welcome,” he said. “This is a road that is straight for a while and then theres a series of bends. This is a classic example of where this kind of funding could and should be used.”

District Cathaoirleach, Councillor Alan O’Callaghan seconded the motion. “This is timely, especially when you see the influx of development in Quin,” he said. “This area seems to be zoned for development. I would suggest that, for the village of Quin, a plan be put in place for the whole village. There are a lot of roads coming into the village and it is lacking in infrastructure. Footpaths are pretty scarce around the village. There might be scope for a town and village renewal funding application.”

Mr Troy’s written response to the motion said that, “Killaloe Municipal District will consider the installation of a footpath including provision of public lighting from a point approximately opposite Maigh Dara, to the speed limit on the Ballykilty Road. A project outline proposal will be submitted to Clare County Council Road Design Section for inclusion in a countywide funding submission to the National Transport Authority (NTA) under the Active Travel Investment Programme.”

Mr Troy’s response noted that it is anticipated that a call for project submissions will happen in December, with funding approval to be announced next January. 

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