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HomeRegionalShannonCall for fencing to deter anti-social behaviour in Shannon

Call for fencing to deter anti-social behaviour in Shannon

A SHANNON councillor has requested the installation of fencing at a site in the town to combat anti-social behaviour, writes Owen Ryan.

Councillor Gerry Flynn put forward a motion asking that the County Council “clean up the area surrounding the pump house in Drumgeely, located adjacent to the river walk and Drumgeely housing”.

He also request fencing be put in place around the pump house “to deter further illegal dumping of waste and anti-social activity”.

His motion also stated, “The restoration of the local footpath that links on to the river walk would be helpful in the rerouting of pedestrians away from the pump house.”

During the debate he acknowledged a lot of the clean-up work has been done, but that a few bits are left and there is still some vegetation. He also said that fencing at the pump house is needed to deal with “illegal activity and anti social behaviour there”.

In a written reply, Senior Executive Engineer Tom Mellett stated, “Shannon Municipal District crews completed a tidy up of this location in December and again during the first week of January.

“Fencing off the area surrounding the building will not of itself reduce the instances of large scale dumping but may deter anti-social gatherings.

“Fencing has not been allowed for in our budget for 2022 and so I will seek funding opportunities to complete,” he said.

“The office is preparing a tender to upgrade the embankment walk from the airport access on Drumgeely Hill to the Lynch Park side. In support of this project we will arrange for better access along the established path linking to the Drumgeely Hill road.”

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