Figures just released by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry for vehicle sales for the first quarter of this year show that new car sales are up by 26% on last year. At almost 50,000 cars sold, the first quarter of this year has outperformed all other periods since 2008.

Summary of first quarter 2014 sales
Sales in March are up 23%, reflecting a continuation of the consumer confidence that has been apparent since the start of the year.
The Commercial Vehicle market is also positive, with light commercial/van sales up 43% this quarter and up 45% in March alone. Heavy commercial/truck sales are up 40% so far this year and 31% in March alone.
Alan Nolan, SIMI Director General commented “Vehicle sales for the first quarter of 2014 remain significantly ahead of last year. Already we have registered over two thirds of total car sales for last year. We are clearly starting from a low base but the most notable point has been the return of retail consumers to the marketplace and that can be seen both in showrooms and in the number of 141 cars visible outside homes, schools and shops. This has been significantly assisted by the improved availability of retail finance from the Finance Houses who are strongly supporting the recovery in the market.”
Motoring editor - The Clare Champion
Former Chairman and voting member of Irish Motoring Writers' Association