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10 New Coronavirus Cases Confirmed in Ireland

THE Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed of 10 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland today.

This brings to 34 the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

Two of the 10 new cases are in the west of the country – one male and one female – and both are associated with close contact from a confirmed case.

Five new cases have been confirmed in the south of the country and three in the east.

Five of the new cases are associated with travel from an affected area, three are associated with close contact with a confirmed case and two are due to hospital transmission.

The HSE is now working rapidly to identify any contacts the patients may have had, to provide them with information and advice to prevent further spread.

There have been 1,784 suspected cases tested in Ireland, to date – an increase of 1,387 tests in one week.

The National Public Health Emergency Team has advised that blanket socially restrictive actions around hospitals and nursing homes are not necessary at this moment in time. People are encouraged to follow respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene practices in order to protect vulnerable groups, including older people and patients with underlying conditions. People should not visit if they themselves are unwell.

There are now over 113,000 confirmed cases in over 100 countries while the death toll outside of China has surpassed 1,000 victims.

About Colin McGann

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