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OPW funding for flood risk studies

There has been confirmation that the OPW has approved funding for coastal erosion and flood risk management studies for Kilbaha and New Quay.

“Following representations, I was pleased to be informed by the Minister of State, with responsibility for the OPW, Simon Harris that the OPW has agreed in principle to provide funding to Clare County Council to undertake these studies in Kilbaha and New Quay,” local TD Pat Breen. “I understand that Aughinish may also be included in the scope of the New Quay Study,” he added in welcoming the initiative.

“Kilbaha was very badly affected by the storms last year when the sea wall was very badly undermined and 150 metres of the regional road was completely removed. Extensive clean up and remedial works were carried out at the time by Clare County Council. Funding was provided from the Department of the Environment to assist the local authority with these repairs. In addition, €18,000 was provided by the Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveny to repair the pier. However, there is an area of the sea front which requires further assessment and Clare County Council are very anxious to have it assessed particularly given that Kilbaha is very vulnerable and exposed.

“I would also hope that Ross could be included as well as Kilbaha as this area has been very vulnerable over the years and I will be asking Minister of State Simon Harris to include Ross as part of this study,” he said

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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