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Youth groups get behind the camera

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MEMBERS from The Junction Youth and Community Group in Ennis recently attended a film-making workshop in Westside Resource Centre, Galway City, ahead of their entry to the X-HALE Youth Awards 2015.

X-HALE is an initiative developed by the Irish Cancer Society to encourage young people to take action on the issue of smoking in their own communities. As part of X-HALE, the Irish Cancer Society hosts the annual X-HALE Youth Awards, which sees youth groups from around the country enter community action projects and film projects around the issue of smoking.

A number of youth groups attended the filming workshop in preparation of their film entries to the X-HALE Youth Awards in the summer to learn about film producing and editing. All of the youth groups involved in the film and community action workshops have received grants from the Irish Cancer Society to develop their project.

In total this year, 36 groups have received funding from the Irish Cancer Society and a further 15 groups have received training support.

Marie Louise Neary, health promotion officer, Irish Cancer Society with Emily Ryan and Mikey Daly from The Junction Youth and Community Group, Ennis at Westside Resource Centre, Galway.

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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