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Daisy starts out on her pawlitical career.
Daisy starts out on her pawlitical career.

Time for a new Political Pawty

Well, what a week it’s been. I was down early on Saturday to vote as it’s important to exercise your right as a good doggy citizen. It was an amazing result although I didn’t make it up to the count in Ennistymon on Sunday. Not alone were no dogs allowed in the count centre but did you see the weather? I put my nose outside and decided it was a duvet day.

That said, with all the uncertainty over choosing a new Taoiseach, I reckon there’s nothing to be lost by putting my paw in the ring. My Pawty promises more bones for every dog in the country, free access to pubs, restaurants and hotels by law and as many sausages as you can snaffle from the butchers.

Surely that’s an enticing prospect and we could pay for it all by bringing in a tax on cats. Win win.

Daisy starts out on her political career.
Daisy starts out on her political career.

I’d better sharpen up my negotiating skills a bit before I enter the cut and thrust of politics though. I had my annual meeting with the auditors last week to discuss my bone allowance and it didn’t go well.

Despite my pleadings, I didn’t get an increase. They talked about sensible things like uncertainty after the election and Brexit while I howled about my need for extra bones. I appealed to them to look into their hearts but they’re accountants so I was wasting my time.

As my one victory and in recognition of all the words I’m writing, I’m getting a new laptop with an i5 pawcessor and a lickuid crystal screen. At least I think that’s what they said. I hope it has a paw compatible keyboard at least.

Honestly, with all the recent publicity over my appearance on an international travel website, you’d think I’d deserve some extra bones. Even my friends at Brooklodge heard about it and sent me a lovely congratulatory email and asking me not to forget them now that I’m an international media influencer.

As if I would. I can’t wait to go back to meet Oscar, George and Niall and in fact I’ve been invited down for a car launch in a few weeks, so watch this space.

John Galvin

Motoring editor - The Clare Champion

Former Chairman and voting member of Irish Motoring Writers' Association

About John Galvin

Motoring editor - The Clare Champion Former Chairman and voting member of Irish Motoring Writers' Association

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