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President Obama

Donald Trump is not Barack Obama

LOTS of comments are flying about Donald Trump’s vocabulary. Some of the conversation has been about his lack of vocabulary. Others have pointed out...

A Christmas wish for ‘undocumented’ Irish

Senate Spokesperson for the Irish Overseas and Diaspora and Chair of the Ireland America Association, Mark Daly has called on the Government to ensure...

Clare woman invited to White House

Clare woman, Margaret Jeffares, founder of Good Food Ireland, has been invited by President Barack Obama to the White House for St Patrick's Day celebrations. Ms...

Marking International Migrants Day

On International Migrants Day (today), the Government has been asked to give undocumented migrants the chance to regularise their status. The appeal has come from...

Conway welcomes deal for undocumented Irish

Fine Gael Clare Senator and Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Martin Conway and his party colleague, Pat Breen have  welcomed the historic announcement by President...
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