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Tag Archives: Muintir na Tíre

Communities in Clare urged to set up Text Alert Groups

COMMUNITIES across Clare are being urged to get involved in setting up a Community Text Alert group following the announcement of an extension to the Text Alert Rebate Scheme. James Browne TD, Minister of State at the Department of Justice, announced the extension at the National Ploughing Championships. “I am pleased to announce that my Department will be providing €150,000 in financial support to Community Text Alert Groups in 2022, continuing this Government’s support for crime prevention in rural communities. “Text Alert Groups registered with An Garda Síochána can apply directly to Muintir na Tíre, who administer the scheme, for a rebate of up to €350 on their 2021 costs.” The grant will continue to be administered by Muintir na Tíre. Under the scheme, eligible groups will receive a rebate of up to €350 towards their operating costs. Groups can apply by completing a simple application form available at https://www.muintir.ie/community-alert/text-alert-rebates/ or by contacting Muintir na Tíre before 30 November next. …

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Rural isolation fears over approach of winter in pandemic

RURAL isolation is emerging as a major concern across much of Clare as a direct consequence of the pandemic, with older people particularly affected. The ongoing closure of venues like pubs, as well as restrictions on social gatherings and attendance at sporting events, is said to be cutting off lifelines for many older people, many of whom are continuing to cocoon. “When you hear an older person saying that life doesn’t seem worth living any more, there’s something really wrong there,” said the Inagh native Niall Garvey, who is head of Muintir na Tíre. “I would say that, at the moment, the restrictions on pubs and matches are really big issues,” he said. “But, what I think is one of the biggest things is the fact that people are no longer calling on their neighbours. People are afraid to call in to see each other in the way they would have done before the pandemic.” Mr Garvey noted that during …

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Concern over dog thefts, burglaries in South Clare

LOCAL communities around South-East Clare are said to be on high alert currently, over concerns about a spate of dog thefts, as well as the presence of roving burglars. It follows the seizure last week of a number of pedigree breeds by Gardaí in Limerick, following a search in Rathkeale. “People are concerned and extra vigilant at the moment,” said PJ Mason of the Broadford Action Group. “Not just about the dog thefts but about robberies and burglaries more generally.” Mr Mason said that older people are particularly concerned. “I was speaking recently to a senior gentleman,” he outlined, “who is fearful for his dog and I would be saddened to think that people are now living with this fear factor.” The matter has been raised by South-East Clare-based TD, Deputy Cathal Crowe who said drones are believed to be in use by gangs targeting properties. The Fianna Fáil member has called for tougher penalties for offenders and the creation …

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80,000 people join Text Alert

Over 600,000 texts alerting people to potential criminal activity in their local area have been sent to individuals and communities across the country during the first year of the crime prevention Text Alert system. Text Alert now has over 450 Text Alert groups in towns and villages throughout the country with more than 80,000 people signing-up to the scheme, launched a year ago this week. A joint initiative of An Garda Síochána, Muintir na Tíre, Neighbourhood Watch and the Irish Farmers Association, Text Alert enables communities to set up a group to receive alerts advising them of suspicious or criminal activity in their area. As well as ensuring awareness among users of the service, it can also lead to them reporting suspicious activity to gardaí. “We have found that as an immediate, cost effective method of engagement with the communities we serve, the Text Alert system has proved to be invaluable. We will continue to ensure that the system is …

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