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Tag Archives: immigration

Leahy and McNamara dispute migration record

Deputy Michael McNamara (Ind) has rejected claims that he “latched on to the immigration issue now to gain traction in the European elections”. In a statement issued to The Clare Champion, Irish Freedom Party Ireland South candidate, Micheal Leahy IFP claimed Sinn Féin and Michael McNamara have recently latched on to the immigration issue to gain traction in the European election, but neither of them will be effective on this issue. Mr Leahy stated the IFP’s stance on immigration has been consistent since the party’s registration in 2020 as it believes immigration should be controlled effectively to suit the interests of ordinary Irish people. “Sinn Féin and Michael McNamara have both finally come round to mentioning the immigration issue now that they are in an election,” he said. “Sinn Féin have, until literally the last few weeks, been a strongly pro-immigration party and they are allied with the Left groups in the parliament. It is very difficult to see how …

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Clare Immigrant Support Centre welcomes introduction of Undocumented Regularisation Scheme

A LANDMARK scheme to regularise long-term undocumented migrants will transform the lives of many individuals and families living in Clare and all over Ireland, according to the Clare Immigrant Support Centre. The centre have welcomed the announcement of the scheme which will launch early in  2022 and be open for six months. The scheme proposes to regularise the immigration statuses of individuals with dependent children after three years of being undocumented in the State and individuals living in Ireland undocumented for at least four years by the time the scheme opens in 2022. Successful applicants will have the right to live, work engage in education and will also have a pathway to becoming Irish citizens. The scheme will also be open to individuals who have been in the international protection process for two years or more. According to Orla Ní Eilí from Clare Immigrant Support Centre this will be of great benefit to  reducing the large backlog of asylum seekers living …

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Support for Clare’s undocumented

CLARE Immigrant Support Centre is urging those who are undocumented to avail of a new scheme which could provide them with a path to Irish citizenship. The Regularisation Scheme for undocumented migrants was announced by Justice Minister Helen McEntee. It followed representations and submissions by organisations, including Clare Immigrant Support Centre. The initiative means that people who have not had legal status for at least four years – or three years if they have children here – will be eligible to apply. While there are calls for the scope of the scheme to be widened, Clare Immigrant Support Centre believes it has benefits for many. According to the centre, there are many different reasons a person becomes undocumented in Ireland. Some arrive on tourist visas and overstay to work, others may come as students or on temporary work permits and illegally remain in the country after their permission has lapsed, others could be victims of human trafficking. Due to the …

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The Champion Report-Episode 20

Today we discuss issues surrounding immigration to Co Clare with Orla Ní Éilí, Co-ordinator of the Clare Immigrant Support Centre and Abiodun Ladigbolu, President of the Association for the Nigerian Community in Clare.   https://soundcloud.com/clarechampion/the-champion-report-episode-20

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Conway welcomes deal for undocumented Irish

Fine Gael Clare Senator and Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Martin Conway and his party colleague, Pat Breen have  welcomed the historic announcement by President Obama that aims to protect up to five million undocumented immigrants from deportation. “The President’s plan promises to lift the threat of deportation and to allow the undocumented to work and travel more freely within the United States. “It will allow undocumented immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, known as green card holders, to legally live and work in the country for a period of three years. “The undocumented Irish in the US want to be legal. They want to pay their taxes. They want to participate in the society which they now call home. Many of the illegal Irish in America are now in long term relationships with families of their own, who to participate fully in their adopted country. “I believe that this action by President Obama represents a …

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