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Fleadh Nua hits the right note by going online

THIS year’s Fleadh Nua has struck a right note with plans to move online while also raising vital funds for charity. Like many other...

Fleadh Cheoil an Chláir cancelled

THIS year’s Fleadh Cheoil an Chláir has been cancelled as the Covid-19 pandemic continues. Organisers have said that the decision not to hold the...

Praise for ‘year round’ effort in Ennis

THE Mayor of Ennis said the announcement that the county capital is Ireland’s Cleanest Town is “testament to the year-round effort” by volunteers, Ennis...

Ennis Fleadh breaks attendance record

The largest crowd ever thronged the streets of Ennis for Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2017. Over 450,000 people attended over nine days of the largest...

Giving people a little more Moxie

TWO members of Moxie, who will play at Glór on August 20, were ironically once kicked out of the Fleadh Cheoil. Ted Kelly and his...

Michael Flatley opens Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann this weekend

Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley will officially launch Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, the largest Irish Traditional Music Festival in the world, in Ennis tomorrow, Sunday...

Museum trumpets sounds of ancient Ireland

RELAND’S rich musical heritage will be showcased at Clare Museum in Ennis during Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, with an exhibition of some of the...

Samaritans on festival alert

WHILE the Fleadh is set to bring a carnival atmosphere to Ennis, sadly and inevitably a certain amount of people will be struggling and...
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