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Tag Archives: Cathal Crowe TD

Residents Voice Concerns Over Refugee Influx In Inch

THE lack of transport, a public footpath, recreational and other facilities near a hotel in Inch make it unsuitable to accommodate  asylum-seekers, local residents have claimed. A variety of concerns were raised with Clare County Council officials at a meeting with residents from Inch and Kilmaley on Tuesday morning following the arrival of 34 international protection applicants on Monday night. The refugees were greeted with what locals say was a “peaceful protest” on approach roads leading to Magowna House on Monday night. Residents vented their frustration during the meeting in the council chamber with the Department of Integration over the lack of any consultation with them before the international protection applicants were accommodated in three self-catering cottages. Householders claimed the Magowna House Hotel and complex is not a suitable place for refugees as “there is nothing for them to do” during the day in the absence of any public transport. Council chief executive officer, Pat Dowling pledged the council would …

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Trolley pushed down stairs narrowly missed pensioner

ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour in parts of Shannon is leading to the “terrorising” of people trying to go about their daily lives, Clare’s Fianna Fáil TD has said. Deputy Cathal Crowe told the quarterly meeting of Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) that a stronger approach needs to be taken to tackle a raft of incidents in the town. “This is a parental and a policing issue,” he said. “There are kids being dropped off from Sixmilebridge, Quin and from across the region and they think their children are just spending time with their friends. “The truth is that there is terrorising going on in the shopping centre. Last week, a trolley was pushed down two or three flights of stairs and it narrowly missed a pensioner who was out doing the shopping.” Responding to the Fianna Fáil TD’s concerns, Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran said the issue of anti-social behaviour was widespread. “This is not just a concern for Shannon,” he said. “There …

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€500k to advance Shannon airport dual carriageway

A SUM OF €500,000 has been granted by government for the advancement of a section of dual carriageway to provide better access to Shannon Airport. Speaking about the allocation, Clare TD Cathal Crowe said it will improve safety. “The works on a dual carriageway at Shannon Airport will see a stretch about 2km long put in place on safety grounds. “As you enter Shannon Airport and pass the security hut on the approach, the road becomes a single lane each way. “This has been assessed by experts as not being safe – as in a case where emergency services and so on need to access the airport, passing may be an issue.” “Whilst our first priority must be rebuilding air connectivity in and out of Shannon, it’s also encouraging to see groundworks taking place to improve things at the airport too.”

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Clare TD says no to Ulster ceremony

CLARE TD Cathal Crowe has said he feels the Government is taking the wrong option by sending representatives to this Thursday’s interdenominational church service in Armagh, marking the partition of Ireland, writes Owen Ryan. The decision of President Michael D Higgins not to attend was criticised in some quarters, but opinion polls indicated broad popular support for his decision.  On Thursday the Irish Government will be represented at the event by Simon Coveney and Jack Chambers, but Deputy Crowe said he felt the President had taken the right approach. “I wouldn’t for a moment be telling party members what they should or shouldn’t do, but I myself would have quite strong opinions on it, they’re personally held opinions. “I think that partition has had a devastating impact on the whole island and I think Brexit has augmented the divisions once more. I think we shouldn’t be attending any sort of a service like that. “I fully supported the stance taken …

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‘Mild optimism’ after Shannon workers meeting with Taoiseach

CONTACTS between An Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Shannon Aer Lingus workers who are being laid off are understood to be continuing following an initial meeting, writes Owen Ryan. While Aer Lingus have been adamant that there will be no rethink on the closure of the Shannon cabin crew base, there has been a little optimism since the meeting between the Taoiseach and workers took place, with one source saying there is still a “smallish chance” of a rethink. Speaking on Wednesday, Clare TD Cathal Crowe said that the meeting between the Taoiseach and the workers had been satisfactory. “The meeting went well. It lasted for an hour and a half, which was much longer than all in attendance had expected. “The staff said that the Taoiseach had given a very sympathetic and listening ear, he understood where they were coming from, he listened to many of the reasons they gave as to why this permanent closure is unfair and unwarranted. …

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Connected hubs to make remote working in Clare easier

REMOTE working from Clare has just gotten easier with the launch today of Ireland’s Connected Hubs Network, the first national network of remote working hubs. Some 66 hubs nationwide are on board and accessible to remote workers via ConnectedHubs.ie; while this number is set to rise to over 100 by the end of this year. The launch was welcomed by Clare TD Cathal Crowe who cited his own experience of working from locations as diverse as the train, the car, his home and office, as being increasingly typical. “Today’s announcement is a significant one for a county like Clare,” said Deputy Crowe. The stage is set 📽️ At 12.30pm today we will officially launch https://t.co/Ot9beiKYI8 Join our MC for the day, broadcaster and entrepreneur @bobbykerr , Minister @HHumphreysFG and others. Register to watch 👉https://t.co/SGhM7cLJbK#OurRuralFuture #TransformYourWorkday pic.twitter.com/E1fbA40UYg — ConnectedHubs.ie (@connectedhubs) May 31, 2021 “More and more people are eager to put down roots at home and enjoy family time, enjoy country …

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‘Fear and despair’ of Clare publicans as Covid closures continue

“FEAR and despair” is impacting Clare publicans’ mental health as the closure of pubs and uncertainty over their re-opening continues, Clare Vintners Federation of Ireland chairman Darragh McAllister told a meeting this week. The meeting of the Clare branch held at the Old Ground Hotel in Ennis saw six of Clare’s Oireachtas members hear the concerns of the county’s publicans. The meeting comes a week after it was announced that the re-opening of pubs that don’t serve food been delayed until August 31 at the earliest. In attendance were Cathal Crowe TD, Michael McNamara TD, Violet Ann Wynne TD, Joe Carey TD and senators Timmy Dooley and Martin Conway and Mayor of Clare, Mary Howard with apologies from senator Róisín Garvey. At the meeting, which was limited to 50 attendees as per Covid-19 regulations, Mr McAllister, welcomed the presence of the Oireachtas members. In a wide-ranging address detailing the current state of the trade, Mr McAllister highlighted the many false …

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Crowe seeks legislation for pet theft

CLARE Fianna Fáil TD Cathal Crowe is calling for a new and separate criminal offence of companion pet theft to be enshrined in law. He said that recent weeks have seen a significant spike of such incidents around Clare, with the use of drone footage reported as one method of scoping out potential animals to steal. “Irish law considers dogs and other family pets to be property, meaning that if someone steals a family pet, such as a dog, it’s punished in the same way as if someone steals the likes of a mobile phone or a power tool,” said Deputy Crowe. “The current law does not reflect the emotional harm that can be caused to victims of pet theft. The penalty for pet theft should be more severe than for the theft of a non-living property. Currently, there is no specific code on the Garda PULSE system to record theft of animals, the same code is used for all …

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