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Tag Archives: biogas

Community gets ‘ball rolling’ on biogas plant legal challenge

Less than two weeks after a public meeting to discuss concerns about a grant of planning permission for a biogas plant in Gort, more than €60,000 has been raised to fund a legal challenge. Gort Biogas Concern Group have confirmed to The Champion that legal representation has been secured to initiate a judicial review. The group said it is determined to overturn An Bord Pleanála’s decision to green light the controversial project, in the wake of its rejection by Galway County Council.  “Six days after the meeting over €60,000 had been raised,” spokesperson Ciarán O’Donnell said. “We had around 400 people attend the meeting last week and raised a lot of funds on the night so that we can take a court challenge to this decision. Local business people are genuinely worried, everyone is worried and even though everyone is struggling financially, they are putting in money they can’t afford, because they feel so strongly. We even had a school …

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Gort Biogas Concern has organised a major public meeting to discuss An Bord Pleanála's granting of permission for a plant close to the town.

Biogas plant planning permission branded ‘absolute disaster’

AHEAD of a major public meeting  to discuss the granting of permission for a biogas plant in Gort, campaigners described the news as an “absolute disaster” for South Galway.  At the end of last month, An Bord Pleanála granted permission for the facility which will be less than one kilometre from the town centre, covering a ten hectare site. While Galway County Council turned down proposals from Sustainable Bio Energy Ltd, the appeals board overturned that decision and has given the green light, subject to 22 conditions.  Gort Biogas Concern Group organised a public meeting on Wednesday (January 4) to examine options, including a judicial review. “In terms of health issues, traffic issues, environmental issues, we have grave concerns,” group member Ciarán O’Donnell said ahead of the gathering. “The main thing is that this is a 25 acres massive industrial plant, 900 metres away from Gort town centre, ten metres from Gort river. It’s 100 metres from the nearest resident …

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Search for renewable energy site

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural resources Alex White has launched a consultation process to identify potentially suitable land areas for the large-scale generation of onshore renewable electricity, including wind. Theresa O’Donohoe, coordinator of Clare Environmental Network, said “It is important that people participate in this consultation, especially when we are home to Moneypoint power station.How do you want your electricity generated? Where do you want it generated? What size generators would you like? Wind? Water? Waves? Solar? Geothermal? Biogas? How will the grid support it? What needs to happen the grid?” “This is the opposite of what happened with the National Renewable Energy Action Plan that has half the country up in arms. Rightly so – the NREAP consultation was exclusive and failed to secure any meaningful public participation. Nobody asked when, how and where to put the turbines and pylons, if at all.” Ms O’Donohoe said “You can be sure every developer will have their say but their …

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