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Tag Archives: Aldi

An Bord Pleanála overrules inspector to approve new Ennis Aldi

AN Bord Pleanála has overruled one of its own inspector and opened the door to a major commercial development in Ennis. The board’s inspector had recommended overturning a Clare County Council decision allowing a new Aldi store at Westpoint on the Kilrush Road; he was overruled, however, and the development has been given the go-ahead. In a report prepared following the appeal of Clare County Council’s decision to give Maom Property Ltd & Lohan Property Ltd planning permission, An Bord Pleanála Planning Inspector Adrian Ormsby warned that the development would be detrimental to Ennis town centre. “It is considered that, notwithstanding the ‘Commercial’ zoning and the ‘COM6’ zoning objective of the site for use as a ‘neighbourhood centre’, the proposed development would contribute to an excessive scale which is beyond what would be reasonably envisaged for a neighbourhood centre in this area and would be of a nature and scale that would create a counter-attraction to existing town centre services …

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Aldi ‘extremely disappointed’ at refusal for Shannon store

SUPERMARKET giant Aldi has said the decision to deny it permission for a store in Shannon was unfortunate for the town, but it hasn’t indicated whether it will make another application. Colin Breslin, Regional Managing Director, ALDI Ireland, said, “ALDI Ireland is extremely disappointed at the decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for our proposed new store in Shannon. “This application has been six years in the making and we have gone to considerable lengths to meet all that was asked of us by planners and others. “We will be reviewing this decision by An Bord Pleanála carefully, as it is really unfortunate news for the people of Shannon, Clare and the entire mid-West.” “The cost-of-living crisis is impacting every household and we are very aware what it means for our customers. Being able to offer our customers the best value at locations most convenient to them matters more than ever. Against this backdrop, the decision of …

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Aldi denied Shannon store as it would undermine ‘masterplan’

AN Bord Pleanála has again rejected an appeal from Aldi to overrule Clare County Council and allow the development of a new store and cafe/restaurant opposite Shannon’s Town Centre. There has been considerable local support for allowing Aldi to go ahead with the development, with a lot of frustration about the lack of development in Shannon in recent years. However, Clare County Council and An Bord Pleanála have both now ruled twice against Aldi, with the project not having advanced at all since the first planning application was lodged more than five years ago. An Bord Pleanála inspector Adrian Ormsyby reviewed Clare County Council’s decision to again reject Aldi’s application. While he disagreed with the Council’s contention that the development should not be allowed on grounds of zoning or lack of pedestrian links to the existing Town Centre, he was still against it being given the green light. In the report he stated, “Having regard to the prominent location of …

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Wait goes on for Shannon Aldi decision

WELL over a year after Clare County Council rejected Aldi’s plans for a Shannon store, An Bord Pleanála has yet to make a decision on an appeal. A spokesperson for An Bord Pleanála this week said that its inspector has already completed work on the case, but it still has to go before the board of An Bord Pleanála. She was unable to say when this would happen, but that the agency is dealing with a significant backlog. While the board usually goes along with the inspector’s recommendations, that is not always the case. Indeed, on a previous occasion an inspector had recommended allowing an Aldi store to go ahead in the town, only for the board to overrule them. There has been much anger in recent years over how Shannon has developed, and the Council’s decision to block Aldi’s proposals led to more disquiet in the town. When the most recent Aldi application came before the Council, it was …

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Aldi confident of winning planning appeal as county council sticks to its masterplan

AN Bord Pleanála is due to give a decision by next Tuesday on Aldi’s appeal against a Clare County Council decision to refuse planning permission for a Shannon store. Despite not having planning permission Aldi is evidently confident about the pending decision, as it released a statement saying the development will be going ahead. “Aldi will open a new store in Shannon as part of a €320m Irish expansion drive in a bid to further grow its share of the Irish grocery market,” the statement said. “The investment drive will see Aldi open 30 new stores across the country, building on the €1.6 billion Aldi has already invested in its 149 Irish store and distribution network. “Aldi will increase its investment in Ireland by more than 75% over the next three years compared to 2019-2021.” In a submission to An Bord Pleanála, Clare County Council asked that its decision to refuse planning permission be upheld. It stated that a new …

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High-profile objections to second Aldi in Ennis

PLANS by Clare hurling manager Brian Lohan for a new Aldi store in Ennis are being challenged by a number of objectors who have lodged appeals to An Bord Pleanala. Among those opposing the proposal are the representative body for independent grocery store owners The Retail Grocery Dairy & Allied Trades Association (RGDATA). The group stated, “If left unchecked the cumulative effect of significant new convenience retail developments at multiple neighbourhood locations poses a real threat to the future vitality and viability of the town centre. “This has the potential to compromise the delivery of town centre expansion.” Appeals have also been lodged by Paul and Kay Ryan of Ryan’s Centra and Harnett Homes and Estate Developers. Moam Property Ltd & Lohan Property Ltd are behind the plans for a change of use from a retail warehouse to a discount foodstore at the Westpoint Retail Park on the Kilrush Road. Last month Clare County Council gave the proposal the green-light …

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Green light given to plans for new Aldi store in Ennis

PLANS for a second Aldi store in Ennis have been given the green light by Clare County Council despite opposition from local retailers. The council has granted planning permission, subject to 10 conditions, to Brian Lohan for a change of use from retail warehouse to a discount food store at the Westpoint Retail Park on the Kilrush Road. Assessing the proposal, planners with Clare County Council determined that the existing building “has been underutilised for some time and its redevelopment at this location would be positive and enhance the vibrancy of this particular part of the town”. Aldi have already confirmed their intention to open a new store in the retail park if planning permission was granted for the change of use. According to Aldi this new outlet will create 30 new permanent jobs at the store, and up to 50 construction jobs, with the aim of opening in late 2023. A number of local businesses had voiced concern about …

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Clare hurling boss says second Aldi store ‘good news’ for Ennis

PLANS for a new Aldi store in Ennis are “good news” for the county capital insists hurling legend Brian Lohan. The Clare hurling manager alongside Inch businessman Martin O’Malley are behind plans to develop the Westpoint Retail Park on the Kilrush Road. If given the go-ahead, the discount store will be an anchor tenant in the second stage of Westpoint’s development, with a HSE Outpatients Department already on site. Mr Lohan has lodged a planning application to Clare County Council for a change of use from retail warehouse to a discount food store at Westpoint. According to Aldi this new store will create 30 new permanent jobs at the store, and up to 50 construction jobs, if given the green light. It aims to open the 1,000sqm store in late 2023. Mr Lohan told The Clare Champion that they have been working in partnership with Aldi for a number of months ahead of lodging this planning application. He said he …

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