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HomeBreaking NewsSecond information session on LGBTI+ awareness by CYS

Second information session on LGBTI+ awareness by CYS

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CLARE Youth Service recently hosted its first online information session for parents/guardians on the topic of LGBTI+ awareness.
The event was run in conjunction with GOSHH (Gender, Orientation, Sexual Health, HIV) and, in response to demand, there will be an additional session on November 3.
Brian McManus of CYS said the level of enquiries and social media sharing about the first session led to the organisation of an additional event.
“Feedback from participants indicated that the information and format along with the friendly and non-judgemental style of facilitation had been much appreciated by participants,” said Brian.
“One parent indicated that they felt relieved after attending the session, realising that other parents had experienced similar feelings and reactions. Another felt it clarified terms that they had heard used by their teenager and their friends.”
The presentation included topics such as terminology associated with the LGBTI+ community, background information on issues and challenges for young LGBTI+ people, how to support a young person coming out or questioning their orientation or gender as well as parents’ own well-being on these journeys.
McManus added that he was not surprised by the level of interest as it is a topic that many parents and guardians have questions about, whether it relates to a family member, a friend or just general interest in the area.
“We also recognise that for many it can feel like a big step to attend a session on this topic.
“In order to accommodate as many parents/guardians as possible, and to offer another opportunity for those who were interested but didn’t attend initially, we have decided to host a second session for Parents/Guardians and Clare Youth Service Volunteers.”
This will take place on Wednesday, November 3, 7pm to 8.30pm online.
To register, go to the Clare Youth Service Facebook page or simply email directly for the link.
For further information, contact 085 8726293

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