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Irish are a nation of readers, survey finds

COMPREHENSIVE research of the reading habits of Irish adults has found that 42% have more than 100 books on shelves in their home.

The survey by bordgaisenergybookclub.ie also revealed the Irish are a nation of readers and a nation of hoarders.
Almost three-quarters of the population claim to read more than six books every year, with 42% stating they read over 12 books per annum. Most people prefer to get stuck into a good book in bed (56%), followed by the sitting room (25%).
The bordgaisenergybookclub.ie, launched in September, already has over 6,500 members, another sign of the interest in books and reading in this country.
Over half of readers keep books after they read them, with only 1% choosing to discard them completely and throw them out.
The survey also found that despite all the advances in technology, Irish people have not yet traded their affection for the printed word to reading on iPads or other devices, as 95% of respondents said they like to read a traditional book, as opposed to listening to an audio book or reading on an e-reader.
Interestingly, if stranded on a deserted island, those researched plumped for Lord of the Rings as the book they would most like to read, followed by Pride and Prejudice, The Life of Pi and, of course, How to Survive on a Desert Island.
Bordgaisenergybookclub.ie is a hub of reading activity, providing book reviews, recommendations, a forum for discussions as well as profiling of book clubs around the country.


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