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HomeArts & CultureHelp make a child's wish come true

Help make a child’s wish come true

Twenty-five local volunteers are needed on Wish Day, which takes place on Friday, March 9 to support Make-A-Wish Ireland’s flagship fundraising day.

Volunteers are asked to give just a few hours of their time to sell wristbands in order to raise much-needed funds for the charity.

Last year, in Clare alone, the charity made wishes come true for four children living with life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Another teenager to benefit from Make-A-Wish is self-taught Ennis musician, Stephen Price. He had his wish granted a few years ago when he received a custom-made Pearl drum kit.

Stephen was very patient while waiting for his kit to be built and spray painted to his specifications. His family and friends were invited to join him for the reveal and not only did Stephen receive his fantastic drum kit, but he was also invited to join one of his favourite bands, The Coronas for a sound check before they headlined the Knights of the West Festival.

Make-A-Wish Ireland CEO, Susan O’Dwyer said making wishes come true can have a hugely positive impact on a child and their families. Research shows children who have wishes granted are more likely to build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a serious illness. This improves their quality of life and produces better health outcomes.
Make-A-Wish does not receive any Government funding and is solely dependent on the generosity of the public to continue granting wishes to children.

“A few hours from the people of Clare on March 9 to help raise valuable funds will make wishes come true for more children in your community,” added Ms O’Dwyer.

Volunteers will be selling wristbands and transfers at locations in Ennis and Shannon on March 9 and 100% of proceeds collected will support wish-granting for children living with life-threatening illnesses.

To sign up to volunteer, visit www.makeawish.ie/wishda

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A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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