Home » Breaking News » Gardai seek witnesses after man found with head injuries in Ennis

Gardai seek witnesses after man found with head injuries in Ennis

GARDAI have renewed an appeal for witnesses to an incident which occurred last Wednesday, October 27 in Ennis.

A male was found with head injuries in the Clon Road area of Ennis town at around 9pm on that evening.

Anyone who may have witnessed anything or may have dashcam footage from this area at the time are kindly asked to contact Ennis Garda station at 065 6848100 or any Garda station.

There is one witness in particular that Gardai would like to speak to. This person assisted with traffic management before Gardai arrived at scene.

The witness is a male and is described as being 5’8” in height with tight brown hair wearing grey tracksuit bottoms.

Gardai are looking for this person to contact them at Ennis Garda Station.

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