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Kilrush plant will end raw sewage discharge into Estuary

WORK has begun to construct a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kilrush which will end the discharge of raw sewage into the Shannon Estuary. The project being delivered by EPS Group on behalf of Irish Water and Clare County Council is expected to take 18 months and is due for completion in 2023 It involves the construction of a new state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant and sewer pipelines that will serve a population equivalent of approximately 6,700. The pumping station on Frances Street will also upgrade its pumps, mechanical plant and a storm water storage tank. Speaking on-site, Esther White from Irish Water said “Wastewater from the public sewer network in Kilrush is currently discharged untreated into the estuary. “This unacceptable practice threatens water quality, detracts from the amenity value of the area and does not comply with EU regulations relating to the treatment of wastewater. “Providing improved wastewater treatment for Kilrush will enhance the environmental amenity and protect the waters of …

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Mayor urges public to engage with plan for Clare’s future

CLARE’S first citizen is urging members of the public to make themselves aware of proposals that will determine planning and development in the county up to the end of the decade.  With that in mind, a series of public information events is taking place across the county on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029. The first of these take place on Tuesday next at the Lisdoonvarna Pavillion from 4pm and Mayor of Clare, Councillor PJ Ryan is encouraging people to inform themselves of the draft plan’s provisions. Submissions are being accepted up to 4pm on Monday, March 28. The plan sets out the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the county over a six-year period. “The preparation of this Draft Plan has come at a very challenging time across all sectors of our county as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Councillor Ryan said. “There has been a profound change in the way we work, …

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Green light for Ballyvaughan mast extension

PERMISSION has been granted to a telecommunications company to extend a mast in north Clare by 30% Ontower Ireland Limited’s application to install a 6m extension to a 20m lattice telecommunications support structure at Gragan West, Ballyvaughan, was approved by planners. In the application Ontower Ireland says it “has significant commercial relationships with each mobile network operator in the State, namely Three, Vodafone and Meteor/Eir in addition to radio, broadband and emergency communication service providers.” The application also says “Increasing the height of this structure from a 20m lattice tower to a 26m lattice tower will allow this site to accommodate mobile operators and a broadband operator, all above the local tree clutter, thus extending the reach of communication technologies into areas that currently have poor to non existent wireless mobile voice and data services. “The proposed structure will allow existing and future operators to bring a significant improvement in voice and broadband services to the area, particularly Gragans West …

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Zimmer staff raise over €20k for BUMBLEance

THE Zimmer Biomet team in Shannon and Galway rowed and cycled the equivalent distance of Ireland to Beijing to raise over €20,000 to support sick children, writes Owen Ryan. The company’s contribution will benefit BUMBLEance, an Irish charity devoted to transporting extremely ill children or children with life limiting illnesses to their hospital appointments. This latest fundraiser forms part of an ongoing partnership with BUMBLEance and the Zimmer Biomet team. Prior to the pandemic, the team traditionally completed an annual fundraising cycle from its plant in Shannon to its sister site in Galway. However, this year, in response to COVID restrictions, the team decided to cycle or row approximately 15,000kms, equating to the average distance travelled by the BUMBLEance fleet in Ireland each week. Observing social distancing, the cycling and rowing activities were safely completed either at the employees’ homes or within the company’s plants in Shannon and Galway with all funds raised matched by the company. Brian Conlan, CEO …

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Surplus income at Clare hospital increased by 76%

CAHERCALLA Community Hospital and Hospice enjoyed a 76% increase in surplus of income over expenditure, according to the directors’ report for the financial year ending December 31, 2020, writes Dan Danaher. This report reveals the surplus for 2020, after providing for depreciation, amounted to €184, 940, up from €104,208 in 2019. The company, which is a not-for-profit organisation, has assets of €11,224,824, while its net assets have increased by €184,940. The report stressed the safety of patients and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic remains the company’s highest priority. “Wherever and whenever we can, we are actively supporting those who continue to have their lives changed or impacted by the virus, and those who are tirelessly and selflessly supporting the affected. “We remain incredibly grateful for the extraordinary efforts that all of our people are making in ensuring business continuity and continued support to our staff and patients.” “We have implemented appropriate contingency and business continuity plans in order to safeguard …

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Record overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick

CLARE patients are facing inordinate waiting times for public hospital treatment as 97 patients are without a bed in University Hospital Limerick on Tuesday, the highest number recorded in any Irish hospital since records began. The INMO has once again called on the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) to investigate the overcrowding issue at the hospital. Mary Fogarty, INMO Assistant Director of Industrial Relations said the current trolley numbers in University Hospital Limerick are extremely concerning. “Time and time again, University Hospital Limerick is the most overcrowded hospital in Ireland. “Despite major investment in capacity at the hospital, it is making no dent in the consistent overcrowding problem in the hospital. Overcrowding adds stress for staff and worsens patient care. It is high-risk in normal times, but even more so during a pandemic.” “The INMO is once again calling on HIQA to urgently investigate the overcrowding issue in the hospital and make recommendations. “The patients and nurses at University …

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Anger at further pyrite test requirements for Clare access

THE founder the Clare Pyrite Action Group (CPAG) has been sharply critical of the Department of Housing over ongoing delays in access to the financial support scheme.  Further testing is currently being carried out “to satisfy the Department of the linkage between the deterioration of the blockwork and the confirmed presence of pyrite in the samples”, the Council has told The Champion. It follows queries raised by the Department in December, to which the authority responded shortly before Christmas.  Dr Martina Cleary said the Department, which is still the considering the report seeking access to the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme, is now asking the Council “to look for a needle in a haystack”. She also questioned why the authority did not test its own housing stock at the start of last year, in tandem with the testing of five private homes located across the county.  The Crusheen woman said both the expert engineer and the testing laboratories engaged by …

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New projects won’t make much impact on housing list – Flynn

Independent councillor seeks clarity on efficacy of council housing policy, writes Dan Danaher THE number of new social houses that are planned in Clare over the next two years will reduce the overall numbers seeking a permanent dwelling by about 11%. On December 13, 2021, the total gross need of people requiring housing support was 2,994, which broke down to 1, 372, when about 1,600 who are receiving a Housing Assistant Payment in private rented accommodation are taken from the gross figure. Under the Housing Action Plan 2022 to 2026, it is projected 349 social houses will be delivered in Clare over the next two years. Councillor Gerry Flynn pointed out the provision of new houses in Clare will not make a huge impact on the extensive waiting list for housing support. The Shannon councillor tabled a series of questions at a recent council meeting to try to obtain an accurate assessment of the demand from the public for housing …

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