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Clare cyclists go length of country for cancer charities

A FUNDRAISING cycle from Malin Head to Mizen Head will take place during the first week of June in memory of two women who spent many years cycling and fundraising before passing to their eternal reward during the second half of last year. On July 20, 2021, Susan O’Neill, from Ballyea, died from cancer and on November 11, 2021, Antoinette Pender from Quilty also died having contracted cancer. Both women had fought bravely before finally succumbing and the fundraising cycle is titled ‘South for Susan and Antoinette’. A limited number of cyclists will undertake the journey from Malin Head to Mizen Head between June 6 and 10. Overnight rest points are scheduled for Donegal Town, Claremorris, Ballyea and Blarney. Susan’s husband Michael O’Neill and Antoinette’s husband Jamsie have commenced training in preparation for the once-off event. Both are experienced cyclists and the long miles are not likely to be too daunting to them. Other cyclists who have volunteered for the …

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Nearly €800k spent on military in Shannon over three years

THE cost of providing military assistance to gardai for duties at Shannon Airport has come to nearly €800,000 over the last three years, writes Owen Ryan. In the Dáil Deputy Catherine Connolly asked Minister for Defence Simon Coveney for details on the expenditure and in reply he said that in 2019 it came to €214,213, in 2020 it was €270,708 and last year €273,027. Mr Coveney said, “Among the roles assigned to the Defence Forces is the provision of Aid to the Civil Power (ATCP) which, in practice, means to assist An Garda Síochána when requested. “I am satisfied that there is ongoing and close liaison between both An Garda Síochána and the Defence Forces, and between my Department and the Department of Justice and Equality regarding security matters generally, including the Defence Forces ATCP roles.” He said costs relate to security duty allowance paid to members of the Defence Forces, rations and fuel.

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Pyrite cracks cannot continue to be plastered over

It has been a long time since there was a parade in Ennis. The pandemic put paid to so many public celebrations. That’s why, on Saturday last when over 200 people took to the streets, there was a very brief sense that normal life was returning. There were people of all generations with banners and flags flying, grandparents gently steering small children along in the colourful crowd of marchers that set off, behind a Garda escort, from Áras Chontae an Chláir. But this parade was far from normal. There were no smiles as the gathering assembled at its focal point at The Height, in the shadow of The O’Connell Monument. Instead, stress and worry were clearly visible on the faces of children, parents and grandparents as they heard calls for action on their pyrite-damaged homes. They listened to stories of others whose homes, like theirs, have started to crack and crumble. They heard of the fear and insecurity for those …

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Ann Walsh’s killer moved from open to closed prison

THE family of a Kilrush woman who was murdered 17 years ago has welcomed the transfer of her killer from an open to a closed prison, writes Dan Danaher. The Clare Champion has learned that Raymond Donovan was recently transferred from Shelton Abbey Open Centre to Castlerea Prison, which is a closed medium security prison. It is understood that Donovan was transferred to a closed prison after allegedly contravening prison rules. Ann Walsh from Pella Road, Kilrush, was 23 years and four months old when she was strangled by her former boyfriend, Raymond Donovan from Cooraclare in the grounds of St Senan’s Church, Kilrush on August 24, 2005. Donovan was convicted of her murder at the Central Criminal Court in Ennis with Mr Justice Paul Carney imposing a mandatory life sentence following a unanimous guilty verdict by a jury. Ann had been going out with Donovan for three years but had split from him a year previous to the attack. …

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Contrite councillor ‘mortified’ after parking in disabled spot

ENNIS’ deputy mayor has admitted he was “mortified” to discover he had accidentally used a disabled parking space, sparking calls for a re-paint of the spaces to make them more noticeable. Councillor Paul Murphy made the admission at the monthly meeting of the Ennis Municipal District saying parking in the space was “not deliberate”. He explained he had reversed into a space at the Active Ennis John O’Sullivan Park Lees Road in the dark and it was only on his return to the vehicle that he realised it was a disabled parking space. “I was mortified, it is something I have always frowned on,” he said. “The colour of the space wasn’t even blue, just in spots. The wheelchair sign was there, but it was extremely faded.” Following the incident, he brought the need to re-paint the spaces to the attention of Ennis Mayor, Councillor Ann Norton who as well as her role in the council is a well known …

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‘Disgraceful’ videos of attacks on homes and cars condemned

SHOCKING video footage of attacks on homes and cars in Ennis, understood to be linked to an ongoing feud, circulating on social media in recent days, have been condemned as an “absolute disgrace”. Calls are now being made for more resources to be made available to gardaí in Clare, as well as for the re-establishment of an Ennis specific Joint Policing Committee (JPC). Videos of car windows being smashed and a home being targeted in the county capital were shared across social media. Other footage shows a high-speed car chase with a vehicle on the wrong side of the road. Chair of the Clare Joint Policing Committee Councillor John Crowe commented, “It’s an absolute disgrace and as a community and as a county we can’t stand for the likes of this carry on.” He continued, “It’s getting out of control, not alone in Ennis but all over the county. I know the powers that be are doing the best they …

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Concern in Clare over zoned land tax plans

CLARITY has been sought by several councillors on the impact of the new Residential Zoned Land Tax which the Government is to introduce in 2024. At a meeting of the Council’s Rural Development committee, members expressed concern about what the new tax could mean for land owners. In a presentation on the Draft County Development Plan 2023-2029, senior planner Helen Quinn also outlined what is known about the tax. “This is a new proposal from government and has been outlined in the Finance Act (2021), which was signed in last days of December,” she said. “It means that a tax of 3% of site value (will be levied) with the aim of activating land for residential purposes. It will replace the vacant sites levy which applied to residentially zoned lands and mixed use. The new tax will be operational from February 1 2024 and will be collected by Revenue.” Ms Quinn explained that the role of the local authority is …

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Clare students raise more than €4,000 for SVP

ENNIS students have raised more than €4,000 for charity, while also highlighting barriers to education which have left some youngsters ‘Locked Out of Education’. Gaelcholáiste an Chláir Transition Year students recently presented the St Vincent de Paul with a cheque for €4,259.45, the proceeds of a fundraising and awareness raising campaign last December. The campaign highlighted that many young people face being ‘Locked Out of Education’ because of rising rents and other costs while also raising funds for the St Vincent de Paul and was organised as part of their Young Social Innovators project. As part of their fundraising, the students camped out for a night at the school, and operated the St Vincent de Paul shop in Ennis for a day. Gaelcholáiste an Chláir Transition Year Co-ordinator Martina McNamara has expressed appreciation to all of those who supported the students in their fundraising efforts and awareness campaign. She explained that the students were moved to act when they discovered …

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