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An Bord Pleanála

Mixed reaction to Shannon LNG decision

There has been a mixed reaction to the decision by An Bord Pleanála issued its decision to finally reject planning permission for the proposed development of a €650 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) project for the Shannon Estuary between Tarbert and Ballylongford, This rejection comes after more than 15 years of campaigning by civil society organisations in Ireland and the US. The board based its decision on government policy, which is clear in its opposition to permanent LNG developments. It highlighted the Government’s Policy Statement 2021, which noted that it would not be appropriate to permit the development of any LNG terminals in Ireland pending the completion of the government’s energy security review. It also noted the independent technical analysis released as part of the Government’s public consultation on energy security 2022. This independent expert analysis was significant in that it rejected a commercial operated LNG facility as an energy security option given it would “likely result in the importation …

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An Bord Pleanala overturns Council refusal for Clare mast

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a large telecoms mast at the Eir Exchange in Scariff have been given the green light by An Bord Pleanála. While the Council had refused the mast last August, the appeals board has now overturned that decision Developer Eircom, trading as Eir, lodged an appeal last September after its proposals to remove an existing wooden pole and replace it with a 21m structure were turned down by the local authority. It followed a major campaign of opposition from local residents and a group called East Clare Community Residents. Deputy Michael McNamara had also made a representation asking the Council to engage with those who had made submissions.  Following the appeal, the Council asked An Bord Pleanála to refuse the mast and to copper-fasten its decision to refuse. These included the impact of the structure on a visually prominent site where it would “dominate the eastern approach to Scariff, inherently alter the character of the town and the …

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Developers appeal refusal of Ennis social homes scheme

AN APPEAL has been lodged against the Council’s refusal of a small-scale social housing development, proposed for a site on the Limerick Road in Ennis.  The plans for five additional homes at Hogan’s Place, which would be operated by the Cluid Housing Association, were lodged in October by Kilshane Investments Limited.  Local authority planners turned down the plans in November, stating that the homes would encroach into existing public open space and would contravene conditions set out when permission was granted for the existing homes at the site. They said the additional housing would “seriously injure the amenities of the dwellings” there. Planners also found that the site is located in an area of high flooding risk, where homes are classed as “high vulnerable developments”. They said that notwithstanding a Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the planning application, the proposed development would be contrary to government guidelines on flood management.  An appeal to An Bord Pleanála has just been lodged …

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March decision as developers appeal Tulla planning refusal

DEVELOPERS seeking to build 36 new homes in Tulla have lodged an appeal, after being refused planning permission by Clare County Council. An application from Woodhaven Developments for a site on Church Road was turned down after planners judged the plans to be “deficient in terms of its pedestrian provision” and out of keeping with the character of the area. In its appeal to An Bórd Pleanála, Woodhaven said it felt the Council’s refusal was “based on a narrow review of the submitted proposals as regards the housing need within the development plan requirements, national policy, quantity and type of units, design, layout, principle of development, site topography, site services, adjoining planning history associated with Tulla”. The company also said that, in refusing permission on the grounds outlined, the Council would remove the site from future development as the adjoining lands are not in Woodhaven’s ownership and are not for sale. Woodhaven noted that the site has been described by …

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Ennis school’s proposed extension appelaed to An Bord Pleanala

PLANS for an extension to an Ennis primary school, to include the first Early Intervention Unit at a mainstream primary school in the town, have been put on hold as an appeal has been lodged with An Bord Pleanala. The appeal to the two-storey extension of Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg has been submitted by a Glenina resident who had previously lodged an objection to the plans with Clare County Council on behalf of a number of residents living in the Gort Road estate. The An Bord Pleanala appeal argues “traffic problems and anti-social behaviour are problems that already exist” in the area and the proposed development will add to this. “Trucks and diggers and building traffic will be in and out of the estate for a period of 18 months. This is a residential area were people work from home and work shift work and are entitled to live in a peaceful atmosphere,” the appeal states. The original objection documentation to …

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Request for oral hearing on Parteen ‘abomination’

AN Bord Pleanála has been requested to hold an oral hearing concerning a retention appeal for a controversial wind turbine near Parteen, which has been described as an “abomination” by a chartered civil engineer. Limerick Blow Moulding was recently granted retention permission by Clare County Council to retain a turbine despite a huge volume of objections from Deputy Cathal Crowe, Deputy Violet Anne-Wynne, Senator Timmy Dooley and numerous residents. On March 2, 2021, a council survey found the wind turbine was built about 37 metres to the north-east of the location, which was previously granted planning permission. The company gained permission for a revised site boundary and revised position for a single 800 KW wind turbine, 73 metres high to hub height, as granted under previous planning permissions at Gortatogher, Parteen. In a very comprehensive appeal submitted to An Bord Pleanála on behalf of the 100 Metres Tall Group, Mick Duffy requested an oral hearing given the significant issues arising …

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Supermacs boss says Ennis motorway plaza is a ‘win-win’

THE development of a €10 million Barrack Obama Plaza-style motorway service station just outside of Ennis is a “win-win” insists Supermacs managing director Pat McDonagh. As well as creating jobs, he believes the development has the potential to boost local business and tourism saying, “Anything that brings business to an area generally creates other opportunities.” Mr McDonagh spoke to the Clare Champion this week after An Bord Pleanala upheld a decision by Clare County Council to grant planning permission for the development adjacent to Junction 12 of the M18 at Kilbreckan, Doora. The green light from An Bord Pleanala comes eight years after proposals for a motorway plaza were first lodged by the fast food giant with Mr McDonagh saying, “It’s good to get it over the line, it’s been a long haul.” He outlines the new plaza will result in similar job creation to the Barack Obama Plaza in Moneygall, with 120 people expected to be employed at the …

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Controversial east Clare mast plan back on the agenda

CONTROVERSIAL plans to replace an existing telecoms mast in Scariff with a much higher structure have resurfaced, now that the developers have lodged an appeal.  While the Council rejected permission for a 21m structure in the town, Eir have now told An Bord Pleanála they are willing to reduce the height of the mast to 18m, if necessary. Making the offer to reduce the height, the appeal document warns that refusal “will reduce the quality of service to the wider area” and “result in a reduction for other digital coverage providers to gain representation on it”.  In documents submitted by agents Towercom, Eircom Ltd, trading as Eir, acknowledges the Council’s refusal of planning permission on the grounds of mast’s visual impact on the town and a scenic East Clare route. However, the appellant “respectfully disagrees” with the local authority’s rationale.  Documents submitted to An Bord Pleanála describe the proposed new mast, at the Eir exchanfe at the Connacht Road, as …

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