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Monthly Archives: February 2013

Shannon teen gets Blind Pass for movie

NEW movie Blind Pass is being launched in the coming weeks and Shannon teenager Lauren Sexton (pictured) sings on it. The film is something of a family affair as her father James is an associate producer and was locations manager in Ireland.

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On the couch

There was a time when a new Oliver Stone film was an occasion. A moment of cultural note, scandal or a mixture of both that sometimes obscured the film itself. While the days of Platoon, Natural Born Killers or JFK are a long time ago, there is still a certain frisson whenever the maverick director releases a new flick.

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Stargazing from the back of a van

THE kids flop out of the blue inflatable dome one-by-one. Their faces are lit up with awe and excitement of what they’ve just witnessed. “That was amazing,” says one. “Is that guy an astronaut?” says another.

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