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Tenders sought for Carrigaholt community building works

THE West Clare Development Co-operative Society Ltd will look for tenders next week for the construction of a multi-use building in Carrigaholt. Planning permission has already been obtained and the site is in the square, looking across at the village pier. It is located within 10 feet of the water, when the tide is in.


The rear of the West Clare Development Co-operative Society building in the square in Carrigaholt will be developed.The co-operative is to apply to Leader for funding, while the balance will be co-funded by Carrigaholt Development Company and the co-operative.

“With the necessary funding, I have no doubt it will be a great resource for everyone in the area. It will be fully accessible, easily heated, will have a large room for workshops and small meeting rooms. Along with wet-room facilities, there will be a dedicated facility to encourage use of Carrigaholt Bay through a variety of water-based sports,” Richard Collins, one of the four project team members, explained. The other members are Luke Aston, Fintan Ryan and Paddy Collins.

The West Clare Development Co-operative Society Ltd is situated in the square, Carrigaholt. It started as a Fisherman’s Co-operative, which consisted of a main building with freezer units and storage facilities at the rear. It was very active during the 1980s. With the subsequent decline in the fishing fleet, it changed its usage and status into a development co-operative for the area. The sheds at the rear are now derelict, while the rooms in the front of the building are offered for rent locally.

It currently provides facilities, at a non-commercial rate, for socially responsible eco-tourism initiatives, including Dolphin Watch, space for local artists, as well as the local post office, which is the only post office between Kilkee and Loop Head.

The co-operative is owned by a group of approximately 200 shareholders from the local community and has an active committee, which oversees the running of the facilities.

The area at the rear of the building, which is proposed to be developed, faces the picturesque inside pier and is approximately 1,600ft2.

The proposal is to knock the old buildings and back wall to create an attractive space to be used by the wider community and local enterprises. The high wall at the back of the current building is to be removed to take advantage of the views of the inside pier and gain access to the commonage along the shore. The site has safe access to the water.

During the autumn of 2011, a number of community consultations took place at the co-operative to encourage participation and the sharing of ideas of how the facility could be developed and who would use, maintain and promote it in the future. These brainstorming sessions took place over three evenings and welcomed all participants to think creatively and look at sustainable development for the area.

What evolved was a proposed development with three different strands, which would complement existing facilities and businesses in the locality.

“We drew up plans for the building and had consultations with a planning officer of the Clare County Council, which were very encouraging,” Mr Collins said.

Planning for a reception and large meeting room, workshop and training area, wet-room facilities and a disabled toilet was granted.

The co-operative has already identified a number of potential clients for this facility, including Carrigaholt Development Company and the Brothers of Charity, West Clare, who could use the building as a community outreach facility in order to support people in their own community and reduce the necessity to travel to Kilrush.

Those behind the project are confident that the building can be used as a boat-building facility, for training, as a theatre, for presentations and social gatherings.

“It will be available for rent and will be promoted countywide.  There are untapped opportunities in the area linked to the rich marine and natural environment of the Carrigaholt area,” the group said in their application to Leader. “This was recognised when the Loop Head Peninsula won the Eden award as a destination of excellence for aquamarine tourism.

“Carrigaholt has a safe, expansive, sheltered bay, which is a natural facility for all water-based activities. On-shore facilities, such as this proposed development, will help realise the abundant potential of what is around us and help give people the opportunity to stay and live in their own community,” the application added.

The West Clare Development Society is a social enterprise and any profits made will be put back into developing the facilities and services provided by the society. The management team is made up of a voluntary group with a variety of business and community involvements, who contribute many hours of voluntary effort without any cost to the society.

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